Typical, can’t compete so you insult. I went to the same school you did and graduated from a harder program. The only pictures I looked were diagrams in engineering books that probably would have made your head spin. Best to be careful when you show your ass in public.
There is rarely truth in what you post. I have no reason to believe that there is much truth that gets filtered in your observations.
That was Cancun Ted who actually excoriated the Orange One before he started kissing Trump's fat ass. Despite being constantly ridiculed by Trump in the 2016 campaign "Liddle" Marco is doing the same as "'Lying Ted". Gotta give Trump credit for his skill at metaphorically castrating his fellow Republican politicians. Today's Republican Party is essentially a party of political eunuchs. In case anyone may have forgotton, Tex Cruz when he still had a pair:
When Cruz and his wife have arguments she tells him “You’re so big and macho now, but you were quiet as a mouse when Trump insulted me”
i can't get over how Cruz's dad got away with killing JFK. I would never have believed it if Trump hadn't told us who did it. As for Rubio, go figure him being okay with being called "Little Marco" by "Tiny" Trump. (That nickname was according to Trump's porn star date. I think when she called him Tiny is when he decided he better pay her some hush money.)
So don’t vote for Hilary. How about,don’t support any criminal,particularly ones who knowingly place our national security in danger (and then lie about it, repeatedly)
I just assume they sleep in separate beds at this point. Cause no way she forgave that. If someone called my wife ugly fisticuffs are involved.