No, I mean is the felony that he killed someone, or is it one of the politically motivated charges you’re so excited about? I’m trying to enjoy the playoff game but don’t run off. You’ve got my attention now.
I live in Gainesville, and I agree with him completely. If our Governor and his great State was so bad then why are so many moving here? Because it is a great state ran by an awesome Governor The only people that dislike him is an arrogant unhappy attorney in Tampa, retired old man living in Palatka with dial up internet and you a angry retired libbie teacher. Libbies are always angry
Once again you call me a lib. I was a Republican voter until 2016 when the GOP lost its collective mind and hasn't gotten it back since. Sorry, we really don't have much to discuss because you're convinced Trump attendance at rallies somehow means he got more votes. That's like saying because I saw more Cowboys flags on cars they should have beaten the Packers. There's just no logic there, so I'm not sure what argument you'd like me to counter with. Best of luck, and welcome to Too Hot. And yes, Trump VERY clearly tried to overthrow the govt/election
Lol, I absolutely love all these libbie posters coming out claiming to be republican or conservative but they're posting show other wise Here let me try it, I used to be a Li, Vomit. I'm sorry I tried but I just can't allow myself to lie and lower my standards to a liberals level
Remind me which country Putin invaded during Trump’s term? While your at it remind me which country Putin even threatened?
Now that we're in an election year, it's safe for Trump supporters to come out and publicly support him again. They've been carefully straddling the fence for the last 3 years, pretending as if they were completely over him and his antics and were on board with DeSantis and other non-Trump candidates. Now they can breathe a sigh of relief and publicly endorse him again, no need to pretend anymore LOL.
Wow, you've bought into everyone of these things hook, line and sinker. Congrats. Educated people wonder where they find those MAGA people Jordan Klepper interviews for The Daily Show and whether or not they're even real. Yikes!!!
Wrong, again. Try Amazon: ASIN : B08K2RSS2R $4.95 with free delivery. Too many words and not enough pictures?