He says it's to save America! Boy, I'm so proud of the Sunshine State's politicians. Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Matt Gaetz. Am I leaving any assholes out? 2024 election live updates: The latest on the campaign trail
"....millions of Americans believe that Florida, under DeSantis, became a beacon of hope and sanity during the pandemic, when media hype, crass politics, panic and confusion swept the nation. As Democratic-led states pushed draconian lockdowns, school closures, the shuttering of businesses, onerous mask mandates, and the shaming of those who dared to question such harsh edicts, DeSantis seemed to find the correct balance and turned Florida into a safe harbor during the COVID madness. In a sign that he is pondering a presidential run, DeSantis just released his political memoir, “The Courage to be Free.” Most such memoirs tend to fail, but his has not. It shot to No. 1 on Amazon upon publication and stayed in the top spot for days. That’s an impressive feat, considering that Amazon recalibrates its bestsellers list hourly. And, just over a week after its release, the memoir has become one of the bestselling books of the year to date."
From just a quick search on Rhonda Santos and Covid (from the Palm Beach Post in Nov 2022): "It's a No. 1 ranking that should bring shame to a state that likes to think of itself as being "free:" The coronavirus has killed more people aged 65 and over in Florida than any other state in the nation. "It's a frightening statistic that Floridians shouldn't ignore. "Public health experts outside of the state attribute the trend to the DeSantis administration's counterproductive COVID-19 policies. The Florida Department of Health takes issue with the findings, which leaves any resolution up to each and every individual. If we want to help our elderly loved ones, we need to do a better job of taking better precautions." "Free" state of Florida No 1 for COVID deaths among the elderly
Good enough to take his show on the road for POTUS. He won't win, but Florida will by keeping him Governor. At least we're not a sanctuary state.
I'm sure he's happy to hear about dictionaries being banned in Florida schools. Don't need to look up no words anyways.
Pretty sure the state of New York was killing the elderly at a higher clip... But Florida also has more elderly than most any other state in the country, so that "statistic" means nothing without more context. Go by percentage of elderly by each state for a more balanced statistic.
Coco, what does the study say about number of citizens considered elderly in each state? I would guess Florida ranks pretty high. Any correlation in your mind?
No, competent in saving the country from the orange fat man’s failures. I’m better off now than then, are you?