Proving, again, that the strength of the Democratic Party is its strong nose for marketing Joe Biden, 81, is turning to the youthful John Kerry, only 80, to lift his campaign. Kerry has been focusing on the environment under Biden, an important issue for a small portion of American youths who rarely vote. By stepping down from his official White House role Kerry is free to campaign for Biden. Way to go Joe! For a minute I thought you weren’t going to do any campaigning. John Kerry Will Step Down To Help Biden Campaign: Reports
The diversity of the Democratic party is really inspiring. When the chips are down and they need a real solution, turning to another old establishment white guy is very on brand. Um... Wait.
Great idea. Use an old, pompous, arrogant windbag to appeal to youth. Maybe he will try this stupid stunt again.
I have to agree that John Kerry was over the top when did that. On the other hand he is an actual decorated combat veteran unlike the guy who said this: Donald Trump Calls Avoiding STDs His 'Personal Vietnam' or this:
Isn’t that somewhere along the lines of saying that Whoopi Goldberg is prettier than Joy Behar or Rosie O’ Donnel?
And that’s fine, I get that. But, Drumpf is far and away worse. Bone spurs, avoiding STDs was his Vietnam, soldiers are suckers and losers. I could go on.
Why am I not surprised. I thought I heard an “amen” from all of the lefties but then remembered that most don’t believe in that.