Amid Nationwide Doctor Shortage, Canada Turns To DIY Pap Smears | The Daily Wire This week, British Columbia launched Canada’s first “cervix self-screening program” and encouraged citizens to order pap smear test kits to test for cervical cancer at home. The announcement comes as Canada’s health care system suffers from a severe doctor shortage, especially in family medicine. More than six million Canadians do not have a family doctor — in some provinces as many as one in three people, surveys show. Some Canadians, especially in populous areas like Toronto, have waited years to be assigned to a family doctor by their provincial governments. “We have a full-blown health-care crisis on our hands,” said Dr. Mekalai Kumanan, president of the Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP), which represents 15,000 doctors in the area. Who needs doctors anymore. I would think most woman would actually like this, but I just don't see this being that accurate or it being done properly
Canada also has an aging population and many remote areas that are not attractive to doctors. I can see the struggle. The US could do better by: - Reducing frustrating administrative hassles doctors experience that drives them to quit - Supporting a culture of mental health instead of the “work til you drop” culture - Reducing the financial burdens of patients that doctors have to balance - Expanded funding of medical school for public service doctors
Difference between American healthcare and Canadian healthcare for the truly sick … American doctor: “You’re in need of urgent treatment or you’ll die. How’s your 401k looking ?” Canadian doctor: “You’re unwell. There are treatments, but have you thought about dying ?”
Maybe but I haven't had to wait for any visits or fora couple of minor surgeries that I had. I also haven't had my wife ever complain about have to wait for her annual check up. Have you or your wife or anybody you know for that matter had to wait a long time?
There is an enormous shortage in doctors in the US and you have to sign up for appointments months in advance currently unless you sprint into the emergency room. You haven’t been paying attention. I guess you accidentally stumbled on a problem with your weird OP. Here is a recently released AMA note on the shortage. The physician shortage crisis is here—and so are bipartisan fixes Here is REPUBLICAN John Boozman call for action on the physician workforce. USA Today: US has a doctor shortage. Congress can help by expanding our physician workforce.
Wait times have become incredibly long for me, my family, and everyone I know. That's across many states. I'm happy for you that you haven't experienced that
I called in mid November for my annual physical. Earliest was in Feb. I’ve had to take my wife to some specialists lately, often at least two-month wait. Some large specialist practices aren’t taking any new patients
Anything like that that can be tested and done at home should be legal and allowed for anyone who wants to. Google says these home tests are approved in several first world countries, in Europe and Australia…. But not the US… where I’m sure some lobbying group is fighting it. Good for Canada.
Any time an American right wing source wishes to discuss Canadian medicine, it can largely be ignored. Canadians wouldn't trade for the corrupt American system for anything.
A large portion of Canadians aren't happy with their helathcare system either. The tide starting turning in the last few years. Not saying they would or wouldn't trade, but it ain't all syrup and poutine up there either
Sorry a Pap smear must be done by visually seeing a swabbing the cervix. Not sure how a woman does this at home with any reliability..
Yes there is. AMA president sounds alarm on national physician shortage The physician shortage crisis is here—and so are bipartisan fixes USA Today: US has a doctor shortage. Congress can help by expanding our physician workforce. Primary care doctor shortages on the rise in the US as wait times grow
I will admit living in Gainesville has spoiled me in that regard, but I also virtually never have to go.