I guess we are going back to the 1930’s—- NYC Public School Wipes Israel from the Map A New York City public school is being accused of “Jewish erasure” after a map from one of its classrooms surfaced showing all the countries of the Middle East except Israel, which is labeled “Palestine.” The Free Press was shown a photo of the map of the “Arab world,” hanging in the art classroom at PS 261, a public elementary school in Brooklyn. Rita Lahoud uses the classroom to give lessons to pre-K and elementary students in the “Arab Culture Arts” program, which is funded by Qatar Foundation International (QFI). QFI is the American wing of the Qatar Foundation, a nonprofit owned by the ruling family of the wealthy Arab state, which harbors leaders of the terrorist group Hamas. Tova Plaut, a New York City public school instructional coordinator for pre-K through fifth grade classrooms, said she found the map “concerning.” “It’s not just that we’re experiencing Jewish hate in NYC public schools, we’re actually experiencing Jewish erasure,” Plaut said. “And here is proof of that.”
From the article: Nathaniel Styer, the DOE spokesperson, added in his reply that “this is a map of countries that speak Arabic.”
Not sure. I read the article that was linked and the link said that the map hanging up was a list of countries that speak Arabic. If it was a map like this, I say who cares? Israel is not named but neither is Italy or Iran. If it was a map like this where Israel is listed as Palestine. That would be inappropriate.
LOL, why is QFI having any influence over what is taught in our public schools? Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Good point. We like to dictate our own propaganda, and have our kids be ignorant in the way we want them to.
We know who opened the floodgates to some of those haters... against our Jewish friends. Just one more part of Obama's "fundamental change." He also moved Winston Churchill's bust from the Oval office. He was half Jewish-American. Just... "dreams from his father."
Here is a New Jersey company selling educational maps and toys showing Palestine politicide and erasure. I’m guessing they have customers. Of course, no non-Israeli lives there that are considered fully human in US political culture. Maps of Israel, Middle East And an Illinois company that provides resources that shows a map as of May 2014 with the West Bank annexed Map of Israel Today | Walder Education Looks like it happens in Israel too What borders does Israel show in maps in school textbooks? - Quora Israeli schools' map to right-wing ignorance
Rick, never change. LOL at Winston Churchill being half jewish. What AIDS-infested website did you get that bit of bullshit from?
Technically, he said that he was half Jewish-American. Not sure if he meant Obama or Churchill. Either way, it was pretty nuts.
You're right to distinguish Zionists from Jews. I've no doubt there is some antisemitism in the hearts of those who are most harshly criticizing what Israel is doing in Palestine, but I think most of it is on a par with criticism of the extremist right wing in America.
Yeah… it’s like the Barbie Map controversy 2.0… Lebanon appears to be a purple dot, and there is some brown, blue and red in the area of Israel/Palestine but I’m not seeing this as a realistic representation…