Apparently the public can't handle the truth either because they overwhelmingly disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy. A 71% majority of Americans rate economic conditions in the country as poor, with 38% calling them very poor. By a 10-point margin, Americans say their views on the economy align more closely with the Republican Party than with the Democratic Party.
Well, half the country is lost to Faux and worse disinformation and mainstream media is anything but liberal as it's owned by monied interests, of course. The "conservative" echo chamber makes sure to promote its own interests, namely low taxes and as few regulations as they can get away with. This is why so many are immune to reality economic and otherwise.
Link to the poll? A lot of folks are like you -- gonna say the economy is bad because the wrong letter is currently in the White House.
Meh. Biden and Trump have about a 40-42% approval rating. The economy answers by are simply a reflection of that. Republicans have been dishonest about the economy since Obama.
Link to poll.. might not be the correct one. Most Americans Think Trump is Unfit to Serve as President Again
these are the same people thinking that trump is a man of god and Pence isn't. the cognitive dissonance from reality is frightening. they also think that gas prices are much higher even though they are the same and in fact lower when inflation and pay rasies are considered
I’d say it’s a real issue for the dems. If anyone is struggling in this economy, it’s probably young people and poor urban dwellers, I.e. parts of the dem voting base. So while “misinformation” is going to have so-called conservatives irrationally negative on the economy, there is an important chunk of the dem base that is probably still less than enthused. That’s how you get from that baked in 50% negative no matter the reality, and instead see it hit 70%.
Problem is you're aren't explaining Econ 101 to a large portion of the nation. That cuts for both sides, obviously. All most people see is higher prices, therefore, economy is bad. It's not a messaging problem, it's an understanding problem.
I'm fairness the Democrats do generally get to inherit an economy in shambles from their Republican predecessor