I didn't agree with policies like affirmative action but at least I could understand the concept. This just seems wacko to me. I can't imagine how the mother of a non ebony missing child in Alabama would feel about hearing an ebony alert. New bill aims to create a statewide alert system to help find missing Black children
Yeah not sure what an “Ebony” alert would do that an “Amber” alert wouldn’t. Seems stupid and unnecessary.
Whites especially but by no means exclusively young white women who go missing receive much more publicity than Blacks. The same also applies to children to children of color compared with White kids who go missing. Missing white woman syndrome - Wikipedia The Long American History of “Missing White Woman Syndrome” Black kids go missing at a higher rate than white kids. Here's why we don't hear about them | CNN Missing Black children get less attention on Facebook than white kids 5 Reasons Why So Few Missing Black Children And Teens Are Found
Missing children of any color are heart wrenching. We can only hope they can be reunited with their families or in cases of abuse be in a safe place.
Yes, but what is a special alert for missing black people supposed to do? I’m being deliberately facetious here, but is it supposed to, like, tell black people “Okay, pay attention to this one. This isn’t just another missing white girl.”
Like every good concept these alerts have become so widespread that their effectiveness diluted. Amber alert. Greg alert blue alert. Now ebony alert? I just turn them off. Why should I get a screaming blue alert in DFW if a cop gets shot in Houston? What am I supposed to do about that? Or a gray alert for an old person who has wandered off 50 miles away in an urban population of 10 million people.
Yeah… given that it’s Alabama, “Ebony Alert” feels like it would further downgrade a lot of their population caring…
I would love to see an alert that a big orange baby is missing in Florida. (Fled the country? That would be awful.)
I was thinking the opposite. Lots of Alabamians would probably turn off ebony alerts on their phones if they could.
But an ebony alert could be about a future Crimson Tide football player. They better stop and think about that.
Well, who is responsible for not promoting notices of missing children of color? The media? Individuals? What is your solution if there really is a difference? I know our sheriff’s office does an excellent job of placing notices of missing kids on Facebook and the number of comments and shares doesn’t appear to vary due to a child’s color.
A big meh. All my phone alerts are turned off. I’ve noticed more alerts posted on info signs around Florida on the major roads. By the time I drive past them I’ve read about half the info.
What’s the problem with an ebony alert? Isn’t the goal to get identification out fast and efficient? And many of these involve family members or someone they know.
That's part a special thing they do once a year when Micheal Che and Colin Jost write each other's jokes and makes them read them unrehearsed ... it's hilarious. Che gives Jost nothing but racist jokes.