It would be interesting to see the spend rates of these “foreign governments and officials” at Trumps’s businesses during the 4 years before and 3 years after Trump’s term as president. As a reference point, it’s reported Trump’s businesses generated $2.4 billion in revisiting his presidency. The at issue revenues represent 0.3% of the total.
Hotels & Tourism Industry Profitability by quarter, Gross, Operating and Net Margin from 3 Q 2019 Assuming an after-tax profit rate of 10% of revenues, the total benefit from the at issue revenues would be $780K, less than $200K per year. I bet this barely covered the cost of Trump’s hair styling and spray tanning during his term.
"Half blind trust", better than deaf dumb and blind, al la "the Big Guy" vis a vis meth head Hunter, for Biden's rubes....
LOL! Convince the residents of da snowglobe of anything? I'd sooner piss into cat 5 hurricane gale force winds and expect not to get any on me, than I'd ever pretend to get anywhere with any of y'all...
How's this: our guy might be shitty, but y'all's is way shittier. That's the election in a nutshell, from both sides. Bout 2.
Eric Trump isn't denying it, instead claiming that Trump gave the millions of dollars in profits to the government ... without offering any evidence.... I'm guessing this is a total lie ... wouldn't there be records of this? “What a joke!" Eric Trump wrote on social media. "All foreign government profits, for stays at our hotels and other properties while my father was in office, were voluntaraly (sic) donated to the United States Treasury." Thus far, the younger Trump hasn't shown any evidence showing the millions in profits were transferred to the government. Eric Trump claims profits from foreign countries were donated to U.S. Treasury (
The sleazy meth head son of the current POTUS was nothing but a shell and a shill for Biden Inc to buffer China Joe's take. I mean you think multi-national mulit-billion dollar hedge funds go around hiring clueless meth heads to the tune of 7 digit income for kicks? #thebigguy! PS--y'all's shitty guy is way shittier than our shitty guy.
You're lost dude. Joe Biden hasnt been implicated in anything and he isnt being run by a back room kabal. He has run an effective administration from day 1. His opponent is a guy who brazenly lies about election outcomes and was willing to throw out legal American's votes because he didnt like the outcome. You're honestly supporting an anti-democratic candidate (little d) because you dont like Joe Biden's son's business dealings trading off his dad's name that isnt any shadier than Ivanka's Chineses patents or Jared's $2B or Trumps business dealings WHILE president? Take inventory of what is important and I would hope respect for democracy is high on the list.
How does anyone know the "profit" on the $7.8million in revenues was in "the millions". Is there evidence of that being the case? Link?
You're really been drinking the Trump Koolaid. The sleazy former crack addicted son has enriched himself by creating the illusion that he could influence his father, nothing else to see. Apparently he's managed to convince gullible supporters of the defeated former president of the same who have apparently been influenced by the right-wing media and certain Republican politicians of the same. As evidence they're showing emails and/or text messages between Hunter and a Chinese businessman that took place in 2018 when Old Joe was out of office and the Republicans controlled the presidency and both Houses of Congress.
Good point, with the way Trump accountants work, Trump probably "lost" money on the deal and kept it all, which makes Eric's excuse even more irrelevant.
Private citizen Biden received $40k from his brother and $3k from his son for loan repayments. Corruption! Chinese money! Impeach! Trump while in the Oval Offie receives $8M from foreign countries including China. Just a small pittance, nothing to see here. So very typical.
And let's not forget Trump's son-in-law who was perhaps the closest advisor to the Donald while Trump was in office. Kushner Firm Got Hundreds of Millions From 2 Persian Gulf Nations Or what was probably deferred compensation that Jared received after Trump left office for favors to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia while Trump was in office. Before Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment Fund Had Big Doubts (Published 2022) Comer says Kushner ‘crossed the line of ethics’ with Saudi deal | The Hill Report: Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought