You are the fool who posted a song that started out talking about a draft that hasn't existed since the 1970s and some guy saying he wasn't going to go fight in a desert and a bunch of garbage about putting niggas on the front line and called it a protest song. You ain't fooling anybody you are the one who doesn't understand the concept. A protest song should be about something that is actually happening.
This term is thrown around a lot but I think in this case it is probably very true; We will never see that great of a collection of talent on a single stage again.
Exactly and the draft was ended like 30 years earlier.....It was garbage lyrics there was no fighting in the desert during Vietnam and no draft during the Gulf War.
I look up the lyrics to many of these songs and they are not protest songs they are bull shit songs. WTF these guys are protesting Elvis and John Wayne? Why? If I am going to be questioned about songs backing the war effort in Europe in the early 1900s I think songs like this should be questioned. You can't just talk hate and call it a protest song.
People were entertained with a ball and stick back then and hearing any music was like seeing Elvis move his hips slightly in 1954.
And you think this garbage rap shit folks are posting is better music than Billy Murray or George M Cohen?