Note that the $8M being reported is not a full accounting of what foreign entities spent at Trump properties. The numerous blocks of rooms and even conventions booked and never used should be a wake up call to even the most ardent trumpers China spent over $5.5 million at Trump properties while he was in office, documents show | CNN Politics The Chinese government and its state-controlled entities spent over $5.5 million at properties owned by Donald Trump while he was in office, the largest total of payments made by any single foreign country known to date, according to financial documents cited in a report from House Democrats released Thursday. Those payments collectively included millions of dollars from China’s Embassy in the United States, a state-owned Chinese bank accused by the US Justice Department of helping North Korea evade sanctions and a state-owned Chinese air transit company. Accounting records from Trump’s former accounting firm, Mazars USA, were obtained by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee. In a report, the House Democrats say that China is one of 20 countries that made at least $7.8 million in total payments to Trump-owned businesses and properties during the former president’s stint in the White House, including his hotels in Washington DC, New York and Las Vegas. The documents offer additional evidence of the rare practice of foreign governments spending money directly with businesses owned by a sitting president but are not a complete record of all foreign payments made to Trump’s businesses during his time in the White House.
A Trump hotel mystery: Giant reservations followed by empty rooms - POLITICO “Now we’re looking at near raw bribery,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), a House Oversight Committee member who chairs the subcommittee with jurisdiction over Trump’s hotel in Washington. “That was the risk from Day One: foreign governments and others trying to seek favor because we know Trump pays attention to this. ... It’s an obvious attempt to curry favor with him.” The investigation began after the committee received information that two entities — a trade association and a foreign government — booked a large quantity of rooms but used only a fraction of them, according to a person familiar with the allegation who isn’t authorized to speak for the committee.
and none of the reporting looks at how much was spent at Trump assets outside of the US or how much was spent by lobbyist at his properties. All of this is clearly illegal, but the partisanship negated any chance of him ever being held accountable by the Senate for anything he did. That is a major hole in our constitution that a potus can only be held criminally liable by impeachment as it assumed that the Senate would actually be a fair and impartial jury. And it didn't track the tens of millions spent by the gubmnt at Trump owned properties where they charged the SS high season full rack rates.
His peanut business, which sold certified seed peanuts and other farm supplies, was $1 million in the red by the time he finished his term, The Washington Post reports. Carter had been managing the family-owned peanut farm, warehouse and store in Plains, Georgia, since his dad died in 1953, but when he became president, he put it into a blind trust to avoid conflicts of interest.
Trump using same defense that Biden uses. He did not talk business with his son's after he gave them the business to run while President. That defense has worked with all you libs for Biden, why not for Trump!!
I can think of a couple of significant difference. Trump was owner of his businesses that he claimed to have given up control of and from which he received monetary gain while in the WH. Biden was not an owner, proprietor, or officer of any of Hunter’s businesses and was not in office for the instances I’ve seen discussed
Which country paid Trump the biggest bribes? - Kevin Drum According to Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, foreign governments trying to curry favor with Donald Trump spent nearly $8 million in stays at Trump's hotels during his presidency. As a public service, I have made a chart out of the top ten sycophants with the columns colored in beautiful Trump gold: China is #1 by a mile at $5.6 million, but this is an unfair comparison since they're a lot bigger than the others. Here is per capita spending among the top ten: Qatar is the winner! For its size, China is a relatively modest crook—and not a very effective one, either. Still, it's all pocket change for these guys.
are you serious? an out of work politician son used his name to garner personal favors for the son. a sitting President had foreign and lobbyists pay millions directly to his corporation. One has no authority whatsoever (unemployed Joe Biden) and the other was sitting POTUS. You know this, why discredit yourself with such nonsense?
THEY DONT CARE. Most Republicans Believe Trump Is More a 'Person of Faith' Than Romney, Pence: Poll A majority of Republican voters believe former President Donald Trump is more a "person of faith" than President Joe Biden, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, and former Vice President Mike Pence, according to a new survey. More than 60% of Republican voters said they'd describe the former president as a "person of faith" in a poll conducted by HarrisX for Deseret News.Trump's 64% marked an 11% jump from when the same question was posed in October. Republican voters were less likely to describe Biden or Romney as people of faith, despite both being devout church goers. Romney is a Mormon, and Biden is Catholic. According to the results, just 13% of Republicans described Biden as a person of faith, and 34% said the same about Romney. The results drastically change when looking at Democrats. Just 10% would call Trump a person of faith, compared to 69% for Biden and 53% for Romney.
Anyone who cares about Hunter Biden's foreign income but not Trump's is just a giant flaming hypocrite. As you pointed out, there's reasons to not have the same level of concern with Biden but not so with Trump - payments from foreign governments right into his pocket while he was President.
This probably deserved its own thread. The lack of objectivity is astounding although not surprising. 64% think Trump is a man of faith while only 13% think Biden is? More Republicans think Trump is a man of faith than Pence???? Mike Pence??? The man is a human bible.
I counted up the Trump threads and dumped it here. It is an astounding survey. I’m legitimately surprised and little surprises me.
I would think it depends on the nature of the payments. Trump owns businesses in other countries, so those payments might be legitimate, or they may not be. Could you quote something from the article that clarifies if they were gifts as opposed to payments for services rendered? (I can't afford to read the article.) At the very least, the U.S. should be able to sue Trump for money collected by his companies for no legitimate reason while he was in office. I don't know that $7.8 million is enough to move the needle for a bribery accusation of a billionaire, as long as Trump gives it up.