Last Monday at midnight was the deadline for objections ... shits about the hit the fan for some very deserving people... Nearly 200 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein expected to be made public | Jeffrey Epstein | The Guardian
What does the name suggest? That they traveled to the USVI and hung out, or is there something in the way of specific evidence of improprieties with minors?
The article says it is mix ... some accused in being involved in sex with minors, some worked for Epstein, some were known to travel with him, etc ... there was a redacted report released that called everyone John/Jane Doe, but now they putting names to those people. Looks like Bill Clinton will be one of those names, but there were no accusations made against him by minors in the report. It does say that Bill Clinton is probably one the names that traveled to Bangkok with Epstein, which is disturbing. I'm sure nothing good happens in Bangkok with Epstein and Bill Clinton.
I still need to know why that court case was closed to the public to begin with. Are these people that landed on the Island? I would also like to see the dates that match these visits.
Aaron Rodgers says Jimmy Kimmel will be on Epstein list. Jimmy disagrees: Rodgers just comes across as one of the world's biggest Delta Bravos.
It's about time. To hell with whatever their political affiliations may be, reveal them for who they are.
Absolutely on Rodgers. He has lost it and is just an ahole now. Hope he never makes it back. Don’t want to see him and have to think about who he is. Great crop of exciting younger QBs to follow. He needs to go away.
I predict that the list will be comprised of hair-sniffers and MAGAs alike, one big incestuous family.
It doesn’t matter about partisan affiliation. Wacko MAGAs view all “elites” as interchangeable. They are are basically people who choose to be ignorant and feel their lot in life is the product of an a conspiracy rather than impersonal forces and unregulated self-interest. So they lash out violently and rhetorically about pedophiles and trans people etc., thinking uncomfortable and inevitable societal change is brought about by a cabal of “elites”, when the sex exploitation of minors is coming from inside of the house, much like Jason Whitlock wondering why he sees ads he condemns. So any partisan mix of the list “confirms” their worldview. In any event, many “elites” that travelled with Epstein didn’t participate, they just sucked up to money as always happens and found him interesting, and decided to pretend not to see what was obvious. A pox upon them, though the list of those who ignore evil what is obvious is very long indeed.
I don't think much will come of this. Being linked to Epstein already hasn't effected the likes of Clinton, Trump or Prince Andrew. The internet will freak out for a day or two and then everyone will move on to the next outrage du jour. It's what we do. the millionares and their lawyers will do their thing
Trump's name should be on the list since he's already been sued for raping a minor at an Epstein property. The victim dropped the suit just before the 2020 election, reportedly because of (surprise) threats to her family.