But if you’re a pregnant woman you’re SOL Emergency rooms not required to perform life-saving abortions, federal appeals court rules
Said it many times before. It's only a matter of time before a similar outcome occurs in the US and Texas is probably the most likely state in which it will occur. Death of a dentist in Ireland denied an abortion has worried doctors who say history may repeat in U.S. Polish state has ‘blood on its hands’ after death of woman refused an abortion
Strict Scrutiny covered at length how dishonest on the facts and pure gaslighting the TSC opinion was on the Kate Cox situation
Abortion is not about healthcare. It is about killing the most innocent. Texas has an exception if the mothers life is in jeopardy… https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/SB00008F.pdf
Will there? Its Texas, so not likely. If you dont like it, move there and vote. Otherwise, let Texas do what they want.
I did. And it was the typical lie that those who want to legally kill the most innocent for convenience use. Did you read the Texas Law in question? I posted it for you. Pathetic?!
Perhaps you missed this story Texas woman forced to carry high-risk pregnancy files lawsuit to have abortion | CNN Woman has to go to court to plead for her life/necessary health care and is denied. She had to go another state to receive appropriate medical care. Some of you pro birthers are absolutely sick
Perhaps you missed the Texas Law. The law has an exception. This is about Life. And abortion is used as a contraceptive the vast vast vast majority of the time. And in the cases the mothers life is in jeopardy. There should be an exception for the mother/family/doctors. Which Texas has.
I read the law. The part that you don’t understand (shocking) is that doctors are afraid to provide the appropriate care because “saving the life of the mother” is vague and up to interpretation as evidenced by the Kate Cox case. Doctors don’t want to be prosecuted or lose their license to practice. Should a woman to forced to ALMOST bleed out before they can get appropriate care? Again, anyone that thinks that women should treated this way is sick.