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ESD Recap 12/27

Discussion in 'Awesome Recruiting' started by candymanfromgc, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. candymanfromgc

    candymanfromgc Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Watch the name calling. Also If You post something just to.agitate other posters and I see it, i will delete it. Discussion, disagreements are fine Keep it civil.
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  2. candymanfromgc

    candymanfromgc Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Good points
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  3. cyberdyne

    cyberdyne GC Legend

    Sep 8, 2007

    Thank you candyman! And thank you for not deleting the threads that name called me. I can handle it with grace.
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  4. Donzo

    Donzo GC Hall of Fame

    May 20, 2008

    Geez O Petes- Just stop wallowing in your victim status. It's repulsive.
  5. pd_gator

    pd_gator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 6, 2013
    There's context to negative & positive on message boards and social media. This program has been stuck in a big rut since Meyer left, we've had pockets of good seasons but the bad has been BAD. I will say you can scrub the college name off any message board & 99.9999999999% of the time you'd NEVER guess what team it belongs to. I will say miami is probably the easiest to spot, their board after losing to Rutgers is hilarious & makes this board look like it's all sunshine & unicorns. Napier was handed a program that Mullen beat into a coma, he flat told EVERYONE from the beginning this wasn't going to be easy, he told EVERYBODY to have patience. Yet once again.... the toxic section of this base is poisoning the well with the non stop negatively, whining, crying, & posturing. CFB has turned into a dog eat dog world, & when has UF administration or admissions EVER played ball (literally) with the UF AD?? Give Billy some damn breathing room and STOP this revolving door of HC's.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2023
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  6. cyberdyne

    cyberdyne GC Legend

    Sep 8, 2007
    It’s not BN fault. The fault has lied with the UAA for a long time. This is going to take a miracle at this point to fix. Hope BN can get it done.
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  7. gatorstrackman

    gatorstrackman GC Legend

    Nov 24, 2021
    So how does Todd Golden sign the number one portal class last year if it’s the UAA?
    It’s Napier and without wins, he’s not a great recruiter imo. Have you listened to him talk? I don’t see him ever becoming a good salesman for UF without a championship first. He’s put the cart before the horse. It’s “win now” at UF like it or not.
    When Spurrier got here in 1990, besides ripping up the awful artificial turf, he said our motto should now be “No Excuses”. I’d love to see us embrace that mindset again.
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  8. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    Go away :D
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 2
  9. plantado

    plantado Junior

    Dec 28, 2023
    I just wrote CBN an email. Hope he actually reads it. I gave him a couple of suggestions. One was to get rid of that stupid celebration batton. It’s as dumb as Miami’s 305 chain or the F$U backpack under Taggert. Second, when you score a touchdown, intercept a pass, have a big kick return, etc, don’t do celebratory dances with other players. Act like you have done it before and will do it again! Finally, teach linebackers and particularly defensive backs to wrap up and tackle. Too many times I watch a player try to blast an opponent out of bounds instead of tackling him only to see extra YAC.

    winning is 100% mental and 99% execution.
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  10. paidinfull

    paidinfull GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 22, 2017
    I’m sure reading your email will be a life changing experience for him.
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  11. tripsright

    tripsright GC Legend

    Dec 2, 2021
    Put the pos on ignore. It makes life more pleasant on GC.
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  12. devincdoss

    devincdoss Senior

    Aug 9, 2017
    Chapel Hill, NC
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  13. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    But can he pass block? :D (runs away and hides!! :D:D)
    • Funny Funny x 4
  14. paidinfull

    paidinfull GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 22, 2017
    If he can’t/won’t, he probably isn’t going to be rb1. :)
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  15. kryptonite

    kryptonite GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 12, 2008
    Could you just take this tired ad hominem attack stuff back to 247sports where you can enjoy insulting each other for age, education, social status, homeroom, etc.?
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  16. cyberdyne

    cyberdyne GC Legend

    Sep 8, 2007
    I dont think BN will be here in 2025. I am not sure how many years posters like Skink want to give him. 10 years of no bowl games would be enough for him to finally be negative?
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  17. paidinfull

    paidinfull GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 22, 2017
    Again, skink doesn’t make that decision, so it’s irrelevant how many years he will give him. Skink is probably going to try his best to support whoever is here, until they aren’t. Those who actually make these decisions aren’t going to sit around for ten years of no bowl games, so there’s no point in even discussing that hyperbolic nonsense.
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  18. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    IF we lose to UM to open the season in 2024, things will take a significant downturn on this board. Of course, there will be a select few that will defend whoever the coach is up to (and sometimes past) the day he is fired. I've been on this board since the Zook years and it always goes about the same.

    I would never advocate for a coach to be let go with less than 3 years to implement his system. I even thought that McElwain who irritated the dickens out of the UAA was prematurely canned. 4-5 years would even be more ideal, but there has to be some signs of life and I'm hoping those occur in 2024. Winning that first game (and not losing to an inferior opponent along the way) will probably be the key to "earning" some patience among the fan base.

    Personally, I think that the entire UAA should be addressed well before firing any more coaches. Its seems apparent to me that something is either broken (or working just fine if we are just looking at $$) in our organization for so many coaches to have failed in a row.
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  19. fox

    fox GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Florida Beachland
    Please take the Napier + - discussion to SG forum. Unless it's recruiting related.

    Mods find your lock, merge, move, ban buttons. They're probably right where you left them.
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  20. gatordadx2

    gatordadx2 Premium Member

    Dec 24, 2017
    I sure hope he is because if so we are wining again and I believe he will do just enough to get to a season with DJ as starter
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