Democrats Get Ready to Screw a Bunch of People ( There is no group more destructive than Democrats with even a whiff of power. They are Hitler overdosing on caffeine when it comes energetically imposing their will on people. It’s hard to care, honestly, when idiotic voters elect these people, but it is Republicans who put up such worthless candidates against horrible people and can’t message their way out of a wet paper bag. That’s one of the lessons of the 2022 election, and a bunch of other lessons are about to go into effect after the first of January as what Democrats are forcing on people are implemented. If you know anyone in California who works in the fast food industry – usually teenagers and other people supplementing their income with part-time, flex work – they’re screwed. What was once the launching pad into the work world will not be too expensive to hire as many people to do, as the state raises their minimum wage to $20. Sorry, but if you can be replaced with a touch screen and a credit card swiper you aren’t worth $5 an hour, let alone $20. Michigan is losing their “right to work” laws – meaning Democrats will be forcing people who don’t want it to join unions. Nothing terrifies unions like the idea of voluntary membership, which tells you all you need to know about what they offer prospective members. Democrats are on the verge of screwing over a lot of people, but they couldn’t have screwed over anyone were it not for Republicans running horrible campaigns on the backs of flawed candidates. As everyone adapts to new left-wing laws and the damage they cause, remember that going forward. This is what we get when we let liberals stay in power and I would add that that republicans who vote for any liberal are just as guilty of stupidity, I hope they personally get affected by this
Nothing says projection by a Trump supporter louder than a Hitler comparison in the first two sentences.
By the way…your opinion piece writer: A writer for the conservative Daily Caller resigned from the site this weekend after being implicated in an alleged scheme involving disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, a story first reported by The Daily Beast. Right-wing personality Derek Hunter, who also hosted the site’s daily podcast, is “parting ways” with the Daily Caller after the publication of The Daily Beast story, according to a Sunday night statement from publisher Neil Patel. The Daily Caller is also deleting one of Hunter’s stories about Abramoff’s cryptocurrency. Daily Caller Writer Resigns After Being Implicated in Abramoff Bitcoin Scheme Feds Point to Daily Caller Writer as Part of Abramoff Payola Scheme
Telling their idea of 'screwing people' is having workers make more money and have more power in the work place. I mean of all the valid complaints against Democrats, they reliably focus on the handful of good things. Good 'ole conservative media, never change.
Railing against minimum wage increases in a state that can apparently afford it makes about as much sense as railing against the invention of the automobile because it will put horse-drawn carriages out of operation. Fast food is not the only job that teenagers are capable of doing. While classical education may not have kept up with what people learned 50 years ago, kids learn a lot more technology applications than people did even 30 years ago. Teenagers may not be mature enough to be turned loose in a typical office with an I.T. title, but I'm sure there are ways they could be employed using technology in part-time jobs, or in landscaping jobs. If they are so motivated, they can still find work. Think about it, an adult needs a lot more money to make a living mowing lawns (to pay rent, utilities, etc.), while a teenager living at home can easily undercut his prices. Kids would prefer to be on their cell phones and computers all day, but if they need money, there are jobs available to them. It's just up to the parents to make sure they are motivated to work for what they want by not giving them everything they want. There is a name for people who do not like technology and progress: Luddites. They were people in the 1800's who would destroy modern textile equipment that mass produced textile goods because it reduced the number of workers required to do the work. Luddite - Wikipedia
Dont worry if you are a child you have no trouble finding work in the US, and the regulators arent doing much about it either: They’re Paid Billions to Root Out Child Labor in the U.S. Why Do They Fail?
You can say a lot of things about Hitler, but at least he had the decency not to raise minimum wage and make my Big Mac more expensive. This is simply beyond the pale. It's time for a revolution!
They are destroying our country. This photo is insane. You know it's really bad for NBC to start reporting on it. Migrant caravan heads toward U.S. southern border ahead of Blinken's trip to Mexico
To be fair, nothing says Hitler like a democratically elected legislature and governor approving an increase in the minimum wage for workers. By the way, the minimum wage will increase in 22 states, not just California.
Didn't Hitler invent the hamburger? I think it was a sandwich made in Hamburg and, as we all know, it has nothing to do with ham.
He must have thought it was disgusting because he was a vegetarian. Perhaps it was the plant-based Whopper he came up with.
Yes. The Biden administration is orchestrating the mass migration. Biden himself could not make a ham sandwich.