Well, to be fair, this was a prime example of righties being ignorant. I also find it very hard to believe that anyone who frequents Too Hot wouldn't be aware of the Bundy family or how they have used of their militia to engage in multiple armed standoff with federal agents over the past several years ... but ignorant is the technically correct word to describe such people.
My point is, you have left leaning posters also saying they didnt recall... And folks like myself remembering the story, just not the names until rehashing.
Government lovers of their day stalking Indian corpses, at Wounded Knee, taunting them with “Serves you right for trying to live off the grid!”
And fringe liberals tend to be hypocritical in regard to tolerance. (Am I doing this broad brush thing right?)
I mean what would you call a conservative on the right side of most issues? I mean if I'm a "right winger" you are certainly a far lefty right? See how silly all that is.
You called the guy a right-wing hero and two pages deep, I'm yet to see a right-winger who knows who this guy is. Maybe contrary to your initial characterization, he's an obscure fringe figure that nobody cares about, which bothers you because it strips you of your ability to associate your political opponents with people like this.
I would call a conservative on the right (but not far right) of most issues a moderate conservative. And I said you sound like a right-winger by calling me far left. Right-wingers think anyone left of center is far left. And they call people who are moderately right of center RINOs.
Fringe liberals do tend to be hypocritical about many things, including tolerance. As for righties, a large percentage of them are avid supporters of Donald Trump and believe the 2020 election was stolen. I call those people ignorant. What do you call them?
I wouldn't expect a left leaning poster to remember a right-wing hero's name ... doesn't change things for me.
I can give you five of mine that are liberal: 1. Raising taxes generally lowers the deficit, and is therefore useful during periods of economic flourishing. We're not at the point of diminishing returns on the Laffer Curve. 2. Welfare programs generally are small expenditures of the federal deficit, and dwelling on relatively small programs is good for grandstanding, but not for problem-solving. Republicans should worry more about the "big-fish" programs like Medicaid and Social Security. 3. Our criminal justice system is very "pro-defense" and it should be "pro-defense." 4. Politicians should be screened from stock trading. Willful violations should include criminal penalties. 5. Perhaps the biggest one: Unionization can be an effective tool under the right circumstances, namely when a business owner is exploiting his/her employees while retaining all of the bargaining power. Unionization should be seen as a nuclear option of sorts, but it should never be completely off the table. Public unions are a bit of a different story, however.
Lefties tend to be like that kid on the playground who changes the rules of the game as he goes, picks a fight with a bigger kid, then cries to mommy when he loses.
It's my form of my pro-science expression. I'll take it down when religious people stop trolling with their own pro-Jesus expression. Deal? Anyway, I find it hilarious that it bothers you so much.
Since you seem to know what the "Flying Speghetti Monster" represents I'm shocked that you are not able to figure this out for yourself and actually need someone to explain it you. I mean, you could just google it ...
I do know what it represents, but I'm not sure you do based on the fact that you indicated that it's about "science." Now, you're deflecting because you can't answer a simple question.
You must not know, because the FSM originated as a protest against teaching Biblical Bullshit in science classes in place of Evolution ... is it starting to make sense to you yet or do I need to draw you a picture?