An ironic combo when paired with DeSantis' 8" heeled cowboy boots. Either Trump's girdle ain't doing the job any more or his dementia is creating a forward tilt. Trump’s ‘toe pads’ spark social media firestorm
For someone who spends so much effort making fun of others he sure does put out a lot of material for return fire. Im guessing Biden doesn’t make it the primary focus of his next 48 hours of tweets and speeches. Imagine the other way around?
I've often wondered why Trump always waves his hands to and fro while he talks standing up. He's waving his hands to help keep his balance and not fall forward. Of couse he waves them when he talks sitting down too, because with his short-term memory loss from dementia he doesn't remember sitting down.
“Adam Kinzinger's recent revelation about Donald Trump's purported body odor has led to an avalanche of jokes and memes MSN
With the lifts under his heels he needs toe lifts to even out the chassis and to keep from pitching forward.