Biden doesn’t struggle with Black Men, Trump does. 78% of Black men voted for Biden. The fact that only 22% of black men are attracted to a megalomaniac strongman is good. Men have a low risk meter. Even black men although nowhere near white men. So strongman tactics are appealing. How Science Explains Trump's Grip on White Males | Scientific American Slovic and his team found that White males differed from White women and non-White men and women in how they perceived risks. For every category of threat, White men saw risk as much smaller and much more acceptable than did other demographic groups. This is what they dubbed “the White male effect.” They also found that White women perceived risks, across the board, to be much higher than White men did, but that this was not true of non-White women and men, who perceived risk at pretty much the same levels, suggesting complexities worthy of further exploration. Eventually, expansions of this study would include a wide range of risks including handguns, abortion, nuclear threat, and capital punishment.
I don’t think I know any black Trump supporters, but ironically some of the white Trump supporters I know are pretty quiet about it for fear of being ostracized.
They don’t even need to admit it. I can spot them from a mile away. I guarantee you my homie @flgator2 looks like one of these people.
Put it as loud as I could. Didn’t hear the N word. Sounded like to me you had some start chanting “gay sex” and then you had some after yelling “faggot” back. To me it’s seem more context is needed to what lead to that. Why did they start chanting “gay sex”? Was it to antagonize the crowd? Not that I agree with yelling back “faggot” either.
I don’t remember where you live, but I suspect folks may be relatively more quiet about their politics depending on where they live and whether they’re outnumbered.
What I don’t understand is they they started changing “America First” after the other guys were chanting “gay sex”? Do they not think gays are legitimate Americans with equal rights as straight people?
Everything old is new again. From November 2020. Black men shift slightly toward Trump in record numbers, polls show Trump's gains among Latino voters shouldn't come as a surprise. Here's why.
Yep, it's the ugly people... Dems. This woman is based... This is the Dems poster child for... not really sure why they're using a child like this..
Trust me man, I can spot a Trump supporter with 99% accuracy. There are some specific cues to look for.
Reminds me of something a black preacher once said in praise of someone (I forget who). The preacher said, "He may be white on the outside, but inside he's just as black as the rest of us."
I hate to be the explain the joke guy, but there are really three levels to it: Top level: middle aged generic white people Second level: they are all wearing mirrored sunglasses, often with a hat, a goatee, or both, and mean-mugging the camera from their car in their selfie Third level: The psychological implications and inferences about their lives to explain why all these people are mean-mugging the camera from their car while partially hiding their face in a selfie as their profile picture.