WTH? Why would Ben Sasse have academic pubs? I think given his career path his resume is fine. Personally, I would take a non-academic over an academic nearly every time as prez. The prez is typically not the academic leader anyway.
Apparently, we judge a person's qualifications for the role based on how many academic pubs they have.
not true. Comparing two academics based on academic records makes sense. Our last prez had 0 pubs. She came from the legal world, not the academic world.
So academic pubs are important to being the university president? If not, should we not focus on more relevant aspects of their skillsets? For example, the tweet posted here conveniently omits the fact that Gay was the Dean of the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences (which oversees both the undergrad and grad programs) for five years. Would that seem more or less relevant than her number of publications?
Yes. From my experience, there does not seem to be much overlap between being a good academic & a good admin. Almost everyone I know who's gone into admin (& I now know a bunch) pretty much sucked as academics. So, all else equal, from that perspective, Gay should be pretty good. While not a superstar academic by any means, I really sucked as an admin....once my asst called me about an important meeting I was missing. I was in bed. I showed up & had an empty 1/2 pint of vodka in my pocket.
I stand corrected. Dr. Gay's plagiarism appears to be waaaaayyyy worse than I had allowed for. I guess it's not racist or sexist to think that standards must be compromised, because of a person's race or sex. #harvardwoke
You literally linked the article in which that article is based, and now you are saying it is "way worse" than you "allowed for." Man, you really are vulnerable to echo chambers. How did the exact same weak accusations become way worse when somebody else mentioned them?
1. As you noted, it was a different article; 2. The new article claims more incidents of plagiarism, 3. Monk also linked NYT article (Rufo's sources were more obscure); 4. Lol! At you talking shit to me about echo chambers ..in your own echo chamber domain. I mean .... L.M.F.A.O.!!!
It is an article based on exactly the same article! Lol! And yeah, you seem very prone to echo chambers. Somehow, the exact same passages are more real because somebody else wrote about them. How is the view from the snow globe?
New York Times. Not exactly a random 'influencer'. ...and the view from in here, is mostly obscured by snowflakes floating around in the suspension fluid. Helps to get out, for some perspective.
You quoted the New York Post, not the Times, article. The New York Post article is a retelling of the Washington Free Beacon accusations, which you already linked. Echo chamber. Pretty much the dictionary definition of it. You thought the accusations were worse because you heard the same accusation twice.
You're either FOS or dumb as a rock. I said MONK (not me) quoted the New York TIMES. You seem to be incapable of distinguishing between NY POST from NYT, or just aiming to be a pain in the ass. Whatever. You and your idiot rabbit holes can entertain some other poor slob that gets sucked into your vortices of insanity. Back on ignore with you. Bye.