Janelle Bowie of the NYT points out the obvious. Democrats still believe that governing for the common good is possible by passing laws that improve access, choice, and the ability for you to live your life as you wish whereas Republicans have abandoned the hope of governing for the common good and have embraced government as a tool to force a common social agenda. No arguments here. I linked the Salt Lake paper since it is free. Opinion: Red states and blue states are becoming different countries It seems obvious to say, but if you want a real sense of the differences between America’s two major parties — and if you want a sense of what the future could bring if either party wins full control of the federal government next year — all you have to do is look at the states. Where Republicans have gained this kind of full control over state legislatures and statehouses, they have used that authority in pursuit of policies meant to curtail the ability of people in their states to live as they please Americans are often taught to think of the differences between Republicans and Democrats as a set of reasonable disagreements over how to tackle agreed-upon problems. But what we can see, in the divergent agendas of Republican-led states and Democrat-led states, is how the differences have far more to do with the actual purpose of government. For Democrats, that purpose is usually the public good. For Republicans, that purpose is harsh social regulation, with little apparent regard for the lives of those who have to endure these policies.
Worshippers of bigness cling to their 50 states and would prohibit improved access, choice and the ability to live your own life.
The exact opposite of what the GOP is doing. They are refusing to let people live their lives, comrade.
This is something I don’t understand. Some Republicans claim to be libertarians but are opposed to choice and in favor of school prayer. It doesn’t work that way. You are either in favor of freedom or you are against it.
In any case, there is a precedent for what happens when states try to go their own way. Even though the US was founded as a secessionist phenomenon, Lincoln decreed, in effect, “Yes, we left four score and five years ago, but if you try to leave I will destroy you.” Ironically, this was an actual case of Republicans not allowing Democrats to live their own lives.
e.g. Look at the contrast between places like Texas or Florida versus blue states. One is a model for a theocratic dystopian police state ( if you try to leave to get an abortion we will arrest you). The other is not. They bark about liberty and limited government as they put restrictions in place.
These discussions are always silly. Outside of a few hard-core red or blue states, most states are purple. For as "red" as Florida supposedly is now Jacksonville just elected a democratic mayor. The divide isn't state by state but rural vs urban. Good luck splitting that up
A split wouldn’t prevent people from gravitating to the states they believe best promote their sensibilities. We’re already seeing this sort of realignment going on. Best example: Idaho.
Yeah, all the urban cores where technology and wealth are centered leaving the red states is such a genius idea. I also love the notion of mass amounts people upheaving their entire lives and moving because of this. Like that's realistic. If you want to live in a secular theological oppressive authoritarian place just move your family to Oman or something. Leave us out of it
Why can’t we have our Oman here and eat it too ? Would you roll the tanks if we tried ? Anyway, stop making excuses for why it couldn’t work …
Ah, running down Lincoln and supporting slavery eh? If you were a Russian troll farm poster how would your posts be any different?
You’re talking about the populous. Not the governing bodies. Governing bodies are indeed very blue or red. The populations as you point out a bit more even and spread urban/rural as you suggested.
Unless you're willing to get in those tanks and kill other Americans who don't think like you, you should probably stop fetishising about some civil war from behind your keyboard.
True, except red state legislatures are not going out of their way to impose their will on urban citizens and not let them live the way they want to. It is true that maybe a threesome is a decade ago, life in a city in a red state was still pretty much like living in a blue state, so long as you were in your community. No more.