Trump sweeping battleground states. RCP average of polls has Trump ahead of Biden +3.2% points. Dems have to be strongly considering pushing Joe off the ticket.
Is that the same Rasmussen who predicted a Romney victory in 2012 and that was immediately prior to the election. Going Out on a Limb: Romney Beats Obama, Handily From December 2011 Poll: Obama trails in swing states Harvard poll predicts Obama loss — Harvard Gazette Romney takes biggest lead yet against Obama in national poll Mitt Romney is on a roll: A new poll puts him ahead of President Obama in one-on-one matchup – New York Daily News Barack Obama loses to Newt Gingrich by two points in new poll as his job approval sinks to a new low | Daily Mail Online
I think it's the Rasmussen that had articles like It Looks Like the Republican Wave Is Coming In back in 2022
Yay, 1 terrible option is ahead of another terrible option in a race that may give us just two terrible options. Yay.
To be fair most polls have Trump higher than Biden. I assume either people are wishfully hoping Biden doesn’t run so they can vote for a different anti-Trump candidate or people are demented morons and really prefer a very old maniacal moron over just an old guy.
i would agree that a Trump is ahead by a small margin in most of the polls with a few having him doing even better. That being said polls at this time in the cycle are relatively meaningless as my examples from December 2021 predicting or indicating an Obama defeat demonstrate. Going back to 1988 the consensus as late as the spring or summer of 1988 had Michael Dukakis leading George H.W. Bush by double digits. This is from July 26, 1988; Dukakis Lead Widens, According to New Poll (Published 1988) The economy has been a proverbial albatross around Biden's neck. As indicated in the thread on inflation that may be much less of a negative factor in the coming year. One problem that could confront the Biden is shaky support among lefties which could affect turnout. If they run a competent campaign and that's still a big "if" the Democrats should emphasize that the alternative would be far worse. For example, they're apparently pissed off that Biden may be taking a harder line with respect to immigration and the border. Although they may not approve of Biden's positions the alternative is a guy would already said that he would set up detention camps for undocumented migrants, institute mass arrests and would impose mass deportations with little or no due process. While the lefties are apparently also pissed off over Biden's position on Israel the alternative is a challenger who has already demonstrated that he will kowtow to the hard right single state position of Bibi Netanyahu in contrast to Biden's support of a 2-state solution.
In defense of old men (cuz I almost are one) Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Paul McCartney and Chuck Norris are 80+ years old and Willie is 90.
I should have saved the endless repudiation of Rasmussen polling I've posted here several times so I could cut and paste. Shorter version: It's GOP tilted polling that exists to change averages when aggregated with legitimate polls.
But there are only 2 sandwiches. You're going to get one or the other. So you should order the one you find less offensive.