Well, beards are in and he’s obviously doing something right. If girlfriends are any indication, any list is incomplete without Pete Davidson.
He's having fun with it too “I’m not even the sexiest man in my family, let alone the sexiest man alive!” Kelce added.
Far-right hosts are blaming the GOP's big election losses on Taylor Swift "Republicans still haven't internalized that the Left promotes abortion as a pro-feminism issue. They aren't voting to kill babies, they're voting bc of feminist movies like Barbie and pop stars like Taylor Swift influencing an army of voters," Posobiec wrote. He fumed in another all-caps post that "THE CHILDLESS, UNMARRIED ABORTION ARMY MOBILIZED BY BARBIE, TAYLOR SWIFT, AND TIKTOK" was "CRUSHING REPUBLICANS AT THE BALLOT BOX." Far-right firebrand media personality Charlie Kirk also went after Swift on his talk radio show on Wednesday, saying that the Republican Party "better have a plan" for the "Anti-Hero" singer's influence over young voters. "Taylor Swift is going to come out in the presidential election and she is going to mobilize her fans," Kirk warned his viewers on Wednesday, adding, "And we're going to be like, 'Oh wow, where did all these young, female voters come from?' We better have a plan for that."
TS is into music, performing, Kelsey, her fans etc. and her fans like following whatever she’s doing. maga shouldn’t make it about politics and spew insults and their hate or her masses of fans will make it political.
Yeah, the little I've followed, I think she's spoken out against Trump some for example but doesn't seem to get explicitly political very often.
For your enjoyment: 22 Screenshots of MAGA Melting Down Over Time's Person of the Year Taylor Swift Time Magazine named Taylor Swift their Person of the Year and of course MAGA decided to complain and melt down over it. Some of them believe Taylor Swift is controlled by George Soros because her old music may have been owned by Soros. Swift has been re-recording her music and, therefore, isn't being manipulated by who owns it. The MAGA folks seem to be unaware of this. Anyway, haters are gonna hate as Taylor would say or sing. Here are screenshots of right wing accounts melting down over Taylor Swift being named Time's Person of the Year
Her Dad seemed only concerned for her safety and the clip of them ends with dad supporting her and kissing her. How the hell did you get to 'douche' from there??? Edit: NM. Almost forgot I was in da snowglobe, where 'douche ', deplorable, etc, simply means ppl who don't carry dem water and/or dont sing on perfect snowglobe harmony... LOL!
That's funny stuff there. I wasn't aware of this MAGA v Swifties thing. Lol! Surprising too, since she's a pretty white blonde Christian gal, who's not tatted up, doesn't whore off, doesn't promote violence or gangsta or drug cult, doesn't use drugs or get trashed in public, lyrics, poppy bubble gum feel good music with legendary work ethic... Not a Swifty or fan of her music, but I have nothing but respect for her public persona.
Mostly Concur, though it's not so much telling stories, as what that is a product of: imagination. See above. And I'd further point out that tools are the fruit of imagination, and opposing digit (thumbs) would be for naught, without the imagination to envision the use of a material instrument for rendering a solution to a problem/need. Btw, I strongly recommend a book called the Everlasting Man bt GK Chesterton, wherein he takes pains to point out what separates Man from the rest of life. He begins with art--drawings in caves--and points out the absurdity of the notion of any other animal painting such pictures, many of which told stories, and which served to capture images of their world, in their time. Else we're left with a fossil record (and who/what but Man can make sense of fossil records?)
Yeah because the GOP has the market cornered on “pretty white Christian girls” good lord man. You’re so far gone.
Some deeply disturbed and very angry people there. Beyond that, imagine living every day convinced that you are surrounded by evil forces who are always out to get you.