I assume it still counts even if the shooting spree is spread out over time and geography. 6 people killed, 3 injured. 2 of the injured are law enforcement officers, one shot multiple times and the other once. Suspect in custody after car chase and crash, Shane James (34 yoa.) Texas shootings: Timeline of the string of attacks near San Antonio and in Austin
And so it goes- Multiple victims reported in shooting at University of Nevada Las Vegas campus | Nevada | The Guardian
Ehhh . . . doesn't even move the needle. How many dozens were shot in Chicago last weekend? All these people did was kill a few Texans and a couple college kids in Vegas. Y'all probably don't even know what an AR is. Handgun deaths are far more prevalent. And suicides. Don't forget about all the gun deaths by suicide. It's all really just a mental health epidemic. Just solve that and the responsible gun owners will shine through. Oh, and harden the soft targets. More locks, walls, and bullet proof glass is all we need in the schools, colleges, malls, Walmarts, outdoor concert venues, indoor concert venues, clubs, churches, homes, and hospitals. Oh and more good people with guns. That will extinguish this epidemic which really isn't an epidemic. It's just people breaking the gun laws. If everybody would just follow the existing gun laws, problem solved. That's about it.
I think you've got the mouthbreather logic pretty much covered. Just another day in gun violent America!
If we applied Leftist logic in a manner that is consistent with the constitution however, ppl would be calling for the banning of schools to prevent school shootings. But that would result in less control of the ppl....which is diametrically opposed to the raison d'etat of Leftiet ideology, so yeah.... go for the guns. Only the state ought possess guns.... in order to protect our *freedom* .... cuz you can always trust your gubmnt...
Question for those of you tut-tutting concerns about gun confiscation, you the mass-shooting tabulators, what do you propose other than to chip away at gun ownership, a sort of slow-mo confiscation ?
Only responsible gun owners should possess guns ... in order to protect our "freedom" ... because you can always trust a guy who stockpiles ammunition in his doomsday bunker or is compensating for his micro penis or something