I know you're just messing around, but let's not associate people like Nicole with this loser, who basically dragged her own team to failure with her selfish BS.
Here's a potential wrinkle. Will any "big schools" opt to stay in the lower division if it's more like the old way? And what if a few decide to opt out? That could be interesting. Remember, this new Premier League would require a complete restructuring of the business/funding model and it's going to be a real rat race to secure players, sponsorships and just keep up with the top-funded programs. And what if a bunch opt out and the second division becomes just as, if not more popular? Remember, college fans root for the jersey and as long as everything is equal (or appears that way) they will still come out for their teams.
Nah, this has been coming for years. In the late 80s early 90s I had a friend who said all the college football players at a major game like Florida/Georgia or Ohio State/michigan had to do was have an agreement with the other team that they would meet midfield with their textbooks, sit down, and at least look like they were studying instead of playing the game and the powers that be would cave and give them what they wanted. The ncaa brought this on by not allowing college athletes anything through the years. I know I'll get called out by those that believe , "They owe the university for the scholarship." Spurrier said about the player named Gaines who was called Big Nasty wore the same clothes everyday because that was all he had and UF couldn't even help him other than give him Gators apparel. He didn't even have enough to buy a hamburger for a date. Meanwhile universities and coaches were making millions.
Yep, It was more fun when it was simpler. Schools that don't even give scholarhips have fans who love their teams.
What will suck for any program that has that kind of sponsorship is when they get dropped because of poor performance and no one is watching them on TV.
Sad that we couldn't find some kind of middle ground. Obviously, this isn't an issue anymore, but I also don't see this going in a positive direction at all with NIL and players going to the highest bidder.
I agree, wholeheartedly. Once the genie is out of the bottle... However, if it all collapes, maybe it will eventually go back to closer to the way it was with some middle ground. I don't think it can sustain itself, as is, much longer.
What about the power dynamic between coach and player now? It could become problematic when you have someone making more money as a player than the coach or AD. I also don’t like what it’ll do to the team dynamic when some guys are barely making anything but a few are raking it in. Just hate where college ball is going, one reason I’ve always loved college over pro sports. oh well can’t change it, glad I got a few decades b4 it was openly corrupted.
But that's kind of what I'm thinking here. What if more All-Sports/Academically inclined schools just opt for the lower division to avoid the massive hassle and cost (with no guarantees) of the new Premier League? Only way this works is if all the big teams go, but schools like UF, UNC, Michigan, PSU, etc. could throw a major wrench in the gears if they just say "Nah, not worth it" to the Premier division. Personally, I'd love to see it.
I prefer this. Let’s keep the universities out of it. Let the very, very best just play football and not go through the fictitious motions of being students.
I think with all the money that the schools make that it's going to take a complete collapse of the system before any of the programs like those mentioned opt out for the lower division.
I've said for 30 years now this was an NFL issue and that all this could be solved with an NFL minor league. I still stand by that as it's just going to end up that way anyway. Should have passed Go (and threatened to raise academic standards) and forced their hand a long time ago. Then we get a baseball model that works for everyone.
Many pro players make far more than the coaches, as well as some that make far more than other players on the team. In fact, Joe Burrow makes 35 million more per year than Bill Bellichek. Each is the highest paid in his profession.
Yeah, but man! Hard to not see that coming fast on the horizon. This shit is going to bankrupt schools. Just wait. We are not talking about minor cost increases here. We're talking spending that will exceed professional teams. I wouldn't be surprised if schools were already secretly exploring other potential options.