MTG is an idiot but she is right on this There are way too many lazy people in this country, both black and white.
Not hard to do. Every race has its dregs. White trailer trash is abundant in the south. Especially ( from my viewpoint) in Tenn, Ky, WVa,
There are trashy people in every state that are from different ethnic back grounds. Thank goodness is just your opinion, which is wrong. Obviously, you must not travel much.
She is articulating what used to be called “white trash” - white people that are even worse than blacks (which implicitly assumes blacks are worse than most whites)
What part of the post was wrong? Every race has its dregs? White trailer trash is abundant in the south? and from my viewpoint especially those three states? As for traveling, I’ve visited every state, lived in 8, been in 13 countries for more than a week each and many more for a few days. I’ve been on every continent minus Antarctica. I will stand by my statement. Every race has its dregs. Plenty of trailer trash in the south and especially the coal mining areas.
Don’t know her personally but curious if she’s ever been around poor people or poor herself, or has family that’s poor? I’d like her to define lazy and what you have to do to “not” be considered lazy?
Why are we being dragged into their despising argument based on the color of someone's skin? When people even mention skin color in an argument I try my best to tune them out.
that she may be correct, but her statement implied that black people are the standard for being the worse.
Success is all about not being lazy. Evidence: Most everyone on this board is lazier than Hunter Biden and Eric Trump.
The irony is that when she made the statement she was arguably trying to demonstrate that she's not a racist. What she actually did was reinforce the perception that she is in fact a racist considering what she unintentionally said was that although most Blacks are lazy by definition there are some Whites who are even lazier than the average Black person.