A 24-year-old Indian student, Varun Raj Pucha, who was stabbed at an Indiana fitness center on October 29, has tragically passed away from his injuries. Varun, who was stabbed in the head by Jordan Andrade, was a computer science student at Valparaiso University. The university said in a statement, "It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Varun Raj Pucha. Our campus community has lost one of its own, and our thoughts and prayers go out to Varun's family and friends as we mourn this devastating loss”. Jordan Andrade, the 24-year-old accused, faces charges of attempted murder and aggravated battery. According to recently filed charges, Andrade claimed that he believed Varun "was going to assassinate" him. Andrade informed the police that he had never spoken to Varun prior to the attack. However, he claimed that he heard from “someone” that Varun was "threatening." The police said, "Officers also spoke with Planet Fitness staff who indicated that he (Varun) was a regular gym member and generally kept to himself, was quiet and reserved, nothing indicating that he was 'creepy”. Indian student stabbed in US gym dies; accused found him 'little weird' - Times of India I wonder what he found so “weird” about this young man? Anyway, hope this scumbag gets locked up forever.
That's why the prosecutors are not always in a hurry to have an arrest made. This case was different, the suspect sounds mentally ill and unbalanced, and it was the correct decision to get him off the streets. Had the suspect pleaded to the attempt and the court accepted the plea, however, in most jurisdictions the charge couldn't be increased.