Back to the OP. So from a MAGA perspective, is BLM supporting Trump considered a good thing? Just trying to keep score here.
I think it is irrelevant. He’s just a single dude from a small state. It is not going to sway any votes. Not sure why it is even news.
Lol…I took the thread title almost verbatim from the article. You might want to click the link and read it before making comments like that.
The snowglobe chorus sings in perfect harmony: "we are not sheep!" In the snowglobe no less. LOL! @ the irony.
Another meaningless jab in the air, with no context, no point, no purpose. Why do you bother? Better yet, why don't you bother making a damn point, rather than taking pot shots at non-flaming libbies?
Good point. The guy who's been bought n paid for in full by China, vs the guy who desperately wants to be... Tough call there, for worst possible candies...
Its a zombie publication run by a corporation owned by an evangelical Korean religious fanatic (who has connections to Rev Moon) who bought the brand
Unlike the democrats MAGA takes people for who they are not what they are. If you are rioting and doing stupid things you are thugs.....If you are doing the right thing you are good people It's as simple as that.
I voted for Trump twice. The first time due to USSC openings coming up. The second due to not wanting Biden. Since the last election I’ve followed Trump in the news and occasionally during appearances. I have to say me and my wife are disgusted by the crap he’s pulled and what he’s said since. My wife despises him and she also voted for him both times. We will not vote for Trump again unless the devil himself runs on the dem ticket. DT is a nut and evil person. As to Biden, I’m not that bothered by him as president when I compare what he’s done to what I think Trump would be doing guessing by his comments. I think if Trump gets voted into office he may try to stay there by pulling some BS after the vote “if” he allows one to happen. My wife and I are pretty conservative. For us to forgo voting for any pub candidate says a lot about how bad that candidate is. God help this country. At this point in time I’m literally scared for where it’s headed.