Championship week is here! This is the last of the 5-pick selection weeks for the season. Only one more "week" after this and it will be the bowl games with 10 picks (55 points). After much much deliberation and soul searching, I've decided that there are only going to be 5 match-ups to select from. I know there's 10 games, but I can't have 10+ point spreads available... it will make it too easy on you guys. I don't want anyone getting soft on me for the Bowl finale. So this means that everyone will pick one winner from all 5 games. There are still some favorable match-ups, so enjoy! Here is the lineup: Boise State @ UNLV Georgia @ Alabama SMU @ Tulane Appalachian State @ Troy Louisville @ Florida State Picks are due at noon on Saturday Here are the standings through Week 13 --Total-- Name ---135--- gator_n_sc ---131--- gatormonk ---131--- SmootyGator ---125--- gator954 ---125--- manigordo ---124--- senecagator ---123--- gatorbate91 ---123--- TWGator ---122--- gatortenor37 ---120--- Gatorrick22 ---119--- 62gator ---117--- 2oldgator ---115--- allhailmeyer ---115--- igabradley ---114--- ApexNC ---113--- Bazza ---113--- bperkins10 ---113--- danmanne65 ---113--- phatGator ---112--- GoCocks3877 ---107--- ETGator ---107--- gatordavisl ---106--- pigpen ---102--- GratefulGator ---102--- Mikog8tor ---101--- obone ---100--- midwestfin ---099--- MRG8R ---092--- nawlinsgator ---090--- wrrgator ---089--- Wanne15 ---088--- Gatorhead ---073--- gatorwilly ---029--- gcger520 Good luck to everyone, and as always, GO GATORS!!!
Have to admit I’m not familiar with this at all. I’m sure if there were a 12 year old kid on here he could explain it all to me.
UNLV Georgia FSU Tulane Appalachian State Honestly, throw em against the wall and see what sticks. No Clue!
Can’t say what’s more disappointing. You picking the scumbags with a backup or Bazza liking it. Tough call