C'mon clemson and NCstate. If they hold onto the lead I'll have my 1st 15 point week. And I can't think of a better time to get it.
Lol... the saddest week of football for me and I win 15 points for the first time this year... I am so freaking proud... that I did it without betting against the GATORS. Go Gators!
We’re getting the podium set for the 15 point week acceptance speeches. I personally would like to thank the coaches and teams that predictably won and gave me this platform. I’ll keep it short cause I know @gator_n_sc, @Gatorrick22, and @Bazza need time as well
This week's winning teams: Iowa Tulane Oregon Michigan Purdue Syracuse Wisconsin FSU Clemson NC State
Here are the Week 13 totals and standings. I counted 8 perfect picks. This was definitely the easiest week so far. -Week 13---TOTAL---Name ----15--------135----gator_n_sc ----15--------131----gatormonk ----15--------131----SmootyGator ----10--------125----gator954 ----13--------125----manigordo ----12--------124----senecagator ----15--------123----gatorbate91 ----12--------123----TWGator ----12--------122----gatortenor37 ----15--------120----Gatorrick22 ----13--------119----62gator ----10--------117----2oldgator ----11--------115----allhailmeyer ----14--------115----igabradley ----14--------114----ApexNC ----15--------113----Bazza ----12--------113----bperkins10 ----08--------113----danmanne65 ----14--------113----phatGator ----15--------112----GoCocks3877 ----09--------107----ETGator ----15--------107----gatordavisl ----11--------106----pigpen ----00--------102----GratefulGator ----09--------102----Mikog8tor ----10--------101----obone ----00--------100----midwestfin ----09--------099----MRG8R ----00--------092----nawlinsgator ----00--------090----wrrgator ----00--------089----Wanne15 ----12--------088----Gatorhead ----00--------073----gatorwilly ----00--------029----gcger520
Weekly Stats This week was too easy! Not sure how next week is going to be, given the limited amount of games... No Plays---7 Possible---405 TOTAL---335 Avg. Points---9.853 Played Avg.---12.407 Week 01 - 8.735 Week 02 - 9.667 Week 03 - 7.206 Week 04 - 10.697 Week 05 - 8.727 Week 06 - 7.968 Week 07 - 11.121 Week 08 - 7.03 Week 09 - 9.273 Week 10 - 8.75 Week 11 - 6.6 Week 12 - 7.621 Week 13 - 12.407
15, wasted week with no movement. Not much you can do but get 15 and hope SC crashes and burns but it was a pretty easy week to pick
Is this correct? How did so many players (7) not make their picks on time? 7 players got zero points?