What you said was that I believe in dictating my values onto other people because I have my own values: My point was that 1) it’s fine to for other people value the sanctity of a national celebration like Thanksgiving, even if you don’t, and 2) regardless of that fact, we have no evidence that anyone is using his tweet as a decider to vote for Trump anyway.
This is spot on as far as the motivation. Reminds me of when Howard Stern first hit the mainstream airwaves. They paraphrased it in that horrible movie he did but the principle is the same.
Do you think it's fine for people to support American prosperity and that the best way to achieve that is through electing Donald Trump?
Shit flows downhill. Would you want to work for a CEO or company President who posted crap like this? I did one. Didn't end well. Never again. And it's more than just the mean tweets. It's the Nazi language like "blood poisoning" and calling domestic enemies "vermin." It's the Facist language around incarcerating enemies if elected again. The denial of losing a fair and free election, and the subsequent insurrection and autogople plan. But you say Trump's policies were great? Show your work. The first the years under Trump, most economic indicators were in the same path as they were under Obama. Except government spending was up and the debt ballooned. Plus, Trump's "easy to win" trade wars plus his cut in legal immigration that caused labor shortages were elements that made post COVID inflation worse than it could've been. And speaking of COVID, Trump's errors will be studied for generations as a Playbook for what not to do during a pandemic. But hey, if you want to support a Fascist who would destroy our economy and Democracy, you can. Just don't be surprised if and when others try to show you the truth about Trump. Shit rolls downhill, and Trump is completely full of it.
every time you liberals call Trump a fascist and Angel earns its wings, and Trump gets 10 more votes.
“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” — Jack Handey
Well you are making two different points here, one based on values and the other empirical. As to whether it is fine for people to value prosperity, yes certainly. Again I don’t want to prescribe values. As for the empirical claim that Donald Trump represents our best path toward prosperity, we are going to run into a serious problem of evidence, as this hardly seems like a scientific claim. But if one (1) valued prosperity above all else, and (2) thought only Donald Trump could deliver prosperity, I would indeed expect them to vote for Trump. I am skeptical anyone truly embodies these two traits though.
What were Trump’s errors during so-called Covid ? I mean, other than believing there was a virus and promoting a vaccine for it ?
We’ll remember this the next time you criticize Biden for literally anything other than economic policy decisions.
Donald Trump yielding a prosperous America is an opinion-based claim, not a scientific one. You’re doing what a lot of folks do around here and that’s redefining words when they otherwise lead to undesirable conclusions. In this case, you want to pretend that opinions you don’t like are actually issues of science and fact rather than opinion. But that’s just a semantic trick. Might as well have initially said: “I don’t believe in dictating values to people except people who hold values that I disagree with.”
the economy and prosperity under Trump.in one word “Meh” US 2020 election: The economy under Trump in six charts
I recognize this is how you see it, but I personally think you are being pretty unfair to my viewpoint by painting it as such.
Signing off on the *2 week shut down = 2 years of socialism* to the tune of 9 Trillion added to the national debt. I file that under E for epic @$%$#@ up.