Hope you and all the losers and traitors had a good Thanksgiving! Seems a bit unhinged for the leading presidential candidate. But feel free to ignore or normalize that maga freak.
That's easy. Ignoring the rabid frothing spittling mad reaction OTOH, is too damn funny to ignore. Trump to the Left seems like a matador to a frothing bull seeing red and wearing itself out with its own fury, but unable to gore its ever elusive target....
You crack me up. I posted his own words and reminder readers he’s the leading GOP candidate. The frothing has been all by you. You’re so incensed that your god’s moronic rants are given airtime. There it is buddy. All aired out. Enjoy it. Love it. Revel in it.
this response is disingenuous. You didn’t merely post Trump‘s tweet for educational purposes, you posted it to compare and contrast it with Joe Biden’s tweet. this is also evidenced by this response in which you call Trump’s tweet moronic. I think the frothing has been all you and your kinfolk liberals. you have every right to post Trump‘s tweets. You have every right to despise Trump and express that here, but I have said before and I’ll say it again: You’re playing right into Trump‘s hands. All he is looking for is mind share on every single day. The liberals hate Trump with a passion, so when he does things like this, you rant about them. He is not going to win your vote, and he’s not gonna win the vote of your fellow ranters. But he’s counting on you to go out there and rant loud enough so that undecided voters hear his name, see you ranting and decide they want to counter your rant. Trump’s name is in the news because he tweeted a mean tweet about a prosecutor. The only time Biden is in the news is when he falls down. Who do you think is going to win this PR battle? The polls should be indicative of where this is going.
You would be better served to focus more on why you don't see anything wrong with Trump's "Thanksgiving message" than wondering why people of normal sensitivities do.
That's easy, and he already told us. It makes libs mad. Therefore it's good. It ignores why it makes Libs mad, cause that doesn't matter.
Nah. I'm good. PS-Trump ain't POTUS anymore. Y'all's POS is. Y'all ought to worry about the mess Y'all made, rather than the meantweets that will have to clean it up.
He/she is such an angry, closeminded person, you might as well be talking to a wall. I had him and a few others like him on ignore for a long time. I no longer do just so I can keep up with how un-American and authoritarian-leaning some of our citizens are.
LMAO! Again, more pathetic projection. Frothing at the mouth, spittling mad about how supposedly pissed off everyone who doesn't agree with you is... Funny stuff... Tell me more about how angry I am... LOL! PS--I'm in the snowglobe as we speak. That makes me 'closeminded'? Wouldn't I be in some conservative forum, if I were afraid of exposing my intellect to oppsoing ideas? Like the snowglobists do?
That's nothing. You want to talk about an elitist POTUS? Go no further than Taft. "President Taft and family had a genuine Thanksgiving dinner today ... there was a 26-pound possum, said to be the largest and plumpest ever trapped in the Georgia woods, on the table in the White House dining room." - Washington Post, 1909
We’ve taken a pretty wrong turn when it is considered deranged to criticize a former president for crudely politicizing a sacred national celebration.
The oh so wise decision of choosing a President based on his Thanksgiving tweet. I'm sure this will change the minds of many people on who earns their vote.
The Joe Biden election pitch "I don't mean tweet and I am not the subject of countless investigations because my homeboys run the Justice Department and I'm the current President."
92 rarely, if ever, posts anything worth reading. Venting his anger and frustration and punishing his political opposites appear to be his reasons for posting on this forum. I am restricted from blocking anyone, but not from having opinions about what I am reading.