Were people who fell on the US side stopped by the wall? Or were they just hurt? Do you know the what stop means? Or do I need to explain this to you that if a person fell while entering, the wall didn't stop them? Walls and fences make defensible positions if guarded by people. No guards, and walls and fences become just another obstacle that's usually easily overcome.
Some people are so obtuse about a wall it's hilarious. The "A wall doesn't stop anyone" bit is too funny coming from someone sitting inside their walled in house.
There were 2,926 property crimes reported last year in my town. Just under 11 per every 1,000 residents. And I live in a safer suburb of Phoenix (town of Gilbert). Just about every house has a wall around the v yard, and of course, walls for the house. Just how effective are they again? And remember the 400 mile wall around Isreal? Never effective at stopping anyone either. Sadly, including terrorists.
Well, I think the argument would be that instead of 2,926 property crimes, there would have been 5,220.
Some people are so entrenched in their beliefs that even though they know they are full of crap, they will continue to argue their dumb take even though they actually don't believe it. Like I've done for a while, I just laugh at their posts and point out their ridiculous hypocrisy.
Some idiots believe they know all, even more than experts, that they don't realize just how silly they sound. Like when the woman who works with the migrants daily is quoted as saying, "The wall is not a deterrent," they knew better because they know all? Silly, isn't it? So, just how effective is the Israeli wall again?
It's funny to watch you guys try to come up with policies that will stop people from trying to supply labor when there is a massive shortage of it utilizing big government and a lack of understanding of either economics or human psychology.
My God man. Stop attributing noble motivations to criminals who come here to pillage our resources and opportunities. Your economic talking points are only resonating with a tiny fraction of your own tribe.
I don't have a house. No walls, no roof. I live in harmony with the world. I just have my possessions on my property. I just hope people won't trespass and take stuff out of common courtesy. Great job with that brilliant "gotcha" about a roof. Yet another swing and a miss.
And everyone with a house is perfectly safe from every having anything stolen from them! That's why there's no property crime against homeowners!
Just so we're clear, let's revisit the topic of the thread. People are getting injured trying to enter the US and failing to enter. Yet people are saying walls don't work LOL. Holy crap, is this the Onion? Can't fix stupid.
Lol! They are here to pillage! Yeah, we need to look out for the Huns and Vikings crossing the border! Yeah, you don't want to think about economics or human psychology. Much easier to avoid it and pretend you have a solution, which will never work and will never be tried so that you can continue to pretend that your ideas would work. If only we would do more of the big government things that haven't worked, they would work!
Don't be mad that your houses have walls, therefore, they must be effective deterrents against immigration idea is so dumb that it can be mocked so easily in so many ways. Not my fault you decided to stick to such a dumb point!
If they are being sent to a hospital in the US, and last I checked, both El Paso and San Diego are in the US, they successfully entered the US. Perhaps the problem with fixing stupid is the inability to read the article.
LOL. Sick burn bro. It's not. Roof is used for weather, no to keep people out but good try. Strike 3 you're out.
Wait, your argument is that walls at a house aren't used for weather? Man, keep digging, this is hilarious!
So some are getting over, but we don't know how many aren't and falling on their side. Great detective work! You seem to think they only fall on one side. Like I said, can't fix stupid.