When, in US history, has our border with Mexico ever been secure? If the answer is anything but never, you are wrong. It's never been secured. What makes anyone think it's possible to secure all 2000 miles of our border with Mexico? Heck, Israel has a 400 mile wall, and that has not only not stopped workers from coming in, sadly, it did nothing to prevent a coordinated terrorist attack either. Walls and gates provide a false sense of security. Gated communities are often the target for criminals because they know the gate provides little to no protection, but residents "feel" safer inside. And therefore, are less likely to lock car and house doors. The wall on our S. border stops nobody, and again, I've yet to see an explanation why undocumented immigration numbers are down, but wall injuries are up, if the wall supposedly works as a deterrent. Again, the Canadians have a system we should follow. If employees have proven they tried to find the needed labor among the citizen group, but cannot, then they should be allowed to hire any/all immigrants they want. Considering our current situation where we have 1.5X open jobs than people on unemployment, and that doesn't include the 8 million undocumented immigrants already working here, I fail to see why anyone would object to this. It's simple economics. Labor is a commodity, and when it is in short supply, prices go up. When necessary labor isn't available to do things like pick crops or build buildings, the negative economic effects are felt downstream, because there is no food for stores to sell, or buildings for other businesses to occupy and make money. We could spend billions more on a wall that doesn't work, spend billions more on deportation for those here, and wreck our economy in the process. Or, we can revamp the system and follow a Gang of 8 style plan. If ever there comes a time when the economy doesn't need more workers, then we won't need an expanded guest worker program. Last time that happened, there was a net loss of about 3 million undocumented workers who returned home on their own (W. Bush recession). But today, we face labor shortages that simply can't be filled with legal immigrants. So change the law to allow supply of immigrant labor to meet demand.
The 30-foot wall paid for by Mexico was some political shit cooked up by Donald Trump. To actually do it will alienate Mexico and will be harmful to people and businesses living on or near our southern border. Perhaps, after we alienate Mexico, China could drop a military base or 2 in Mexico. It seems to me like we would be better off dealing with our southern border problem in a better way.
So, if I understand you correctly, you’re saying that the primary cause of the injury caused by falling off a 30-foot wall is actually the screwed up U.S. policies that we have had with respect to Latin America and with respect to our domestic drug laws, etc. for decades. That makes sense to me.
I have generally not been a fan of the concept of a wall. However, in selective areas a barrier may make sense. As long as we have a policy where you get across and say “asylum” and you are basically in for years, people will continue overrunning the border.
I agree about having barriers in selective areas. As for getting across and saying "asylum," I think that is allowed under the law. However, I don't believe that asylum seekers want to have to ford the Rio Grande to get into the USA. They would much prefer crossing at legal border crossings. There are 48 US-Mexico border crossings with 330 ports of entry. If we made it easier for asylum seekers to enter the US at these ports of entry, then they would stop entering illegally.
You call a sense of humor in the radioactively toxic snowglobe, 'the low road'? Lol! How typically ignorant, foolish, hyper sensitive, insulated, and ...funny... of you!
I think you should sell your home and move into a tent, so anyone who wants your stuff can just come inside and grab it. That way nobody gets hurt trying to break into your solid structure home. The U.S. isn’t on the hook for any of these injuries. All you have to do is grab them by the hair, drag them back through the wall and throw them back into Mexico. That sounds like a pretty good deterrent to me, and the wall is serving its function
Sounds like it needs to be taller or equipped with some defenses if the criminals trespassing into our country are only being injured. It should be able to deter them or stop them. Maybe electrification or a giant spatula that can catapult them back to their home country.
Keep going. Torsion catapults date back to Alexander the Great. Trebuchets are probably what you’re referring to. (I told my wife that the thousands of hours I’ve wasted playing Civilization would pay off one day. I have arrived!)
I know this is meant as a joke but I wonder what percentage of people would be willing to close the door behind them after they get through?