“Stay home to protect me!” “Wear a mask to protect me!” “Get vaccinated to protect me!” “Me! Me! Me!”
Did you sneak a microphone into an AARP meeting as they wrote pro-precaution propaganda for the self-interest of their members? I'm not sure if the level of COVID precautions (e.g.; school closings) was optimal in an aggregate/collectivist sense, but I'm dang sure I will never support any new help for roughly 1955 births or older until the "Silent" generation and/or older half of boomers repay young millennials and Gen Z for the generational inequity of the COVID restrictions. (Of course, I know they never will, so I will never so support. [Also, since I very rarely wander over here from Diamond Gators.. I'm 41 now, 38 then. My own self-interest: restrictions improved my health, reduced my joy. In spitting distance of indifferent, on average.])
Are you trying to quote Pres. Reagan: The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help."? Reagan was no fan of young people. If COVID-19 happened during his presidency, I suspect he would have screwed over the young at least hard as Trump/Biden did during "Operation Save the Olds!"
Keep politics out of this. It was religion, I.e., belief in cough and kill grandma, amplified, which was the seedbed for historic mass-derangement (which somehow preserved your health).
One of the things that I think would show support for your view (at least from my perspective) is if those who believe viruses don't exist could demonstrate a predictive nature of mass deaths the way those that do believe viruses exist have successfully predicted. I don't need to see a virus to be aware of its impact; frankly, it doesn't matter to me whether somebody calls it a virus or a boogie man. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I rest on (1) no virus isolated and (2) myriad failed transmission studies. But to the predictive, at least in retrospect, don’t you agree that we could have predicted establishing panic, as public policy, would have killed multitudes ?
Patient: “I don’t think I need a lobotomy.” Doctor: “Oh, really ? What medical school did you go to ?”
No, there are many panic matters pushed on a daily basis that don't cause deaths. We can agree to disagree on any number of them and we may find ourselves on the same side of any number of them, but panic doesn't cause predictable patterns of death the way that that-which-is-known-as-COVID has. What are the falsifiable aspects of your belief? And why does it matter if it's called a "virus" or something else? I don't exactly know how the power going into my computer leads to me being able to see my thoughts on a computer screen, but because the patterns are highly predictable, I can trust that they have some level of value (at least to me). Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Ventilators kill people. High doses of various meds kill people. Heavy sedation, negligence and abandonment kill people. Despair leads to various actions that kill people. Staying home with heart attacks, strokes, etc., for fear of catching Andromeda Strain in the hospital kills people. Hell, extreme psychological stress kills people. Or why do you think cardiologists tell their patients to avoid stress ? All these stem from panic. And 2020ff has been a panic like none other.
More on how panic can be predicted or, put another, how the perception of a pandemic can be created. Remember the so-called Swine Flu of 2009 ? At the time of the ‘outbreak’ the CDC distributed one-million testing kits worldwide. Scant months later testing was discontinued based on the assumption that the ‘virus’ had burned through the population and obsessive testing would likely drive people mad. Contrast one-million testing kits, worldwide, with the TWO-MILLION tests Americans were getting EVERY DAY at a point in 2020.
The very real, but largely hidden health effects of the ‘pandemic’ - part one The very real, but largely hidden health effects of the ‘pandemic’ - part two
From Brad DeLong,'s Substack page as we await Candlelight Processional, an annual pilgrimage I recommend to those inclined. It's a scattershot from a linked paper on state public health policy. Image too large. Amazing the impact on life expectancy in red states. Link below. About halfway through piece BRIEFLY NOTED: For 2023-11-24 Fr