!&&p=9dcb...W1lcmljYW5zLWhlLXdhcy1yaWdodC0xODQ0MjM0&ntb=1 Any of the left on here feel the same way about UBL as some of your brethren? I saw where one guy said if you take out the LBGQT+ rhetoric that he was good and justified?
Gotta love an article that makes uses the quotes of a couple unnamed people online to make a sweeping argument. Like no actual named person is quoted at all. Quality journalism!
Yeah I'm not believing shit from TikTok. Its a Chinese owned site. I have no idea if those are real people saying that or bots or Russian troll farms. As to whether there is any merit to what UBL said, I'd have to read it first to make that determination.
I went back and skimmed what he wrote. I thought his complaints about the Western sexualization of women, for example, were particularly interesting given his harem of wives and the fact that he was reportedly found with a bunch of porn.!&&p=cc8e...WRlbi1sZXR0ZXItdG8tYW1lcmljYS10aWt0b2sv&ntb=1!&&p=cc8e...WRlbi1sZXR0ZXItdG8tYW1lcmljYS10aWt0b2sv&ntb=1!&&p=9f63...i1sZXR0ZXItdG8tYW1lcmljYS9pbmRleC5odG1s&ntb=1 More than just a few unnamed and more concerning about what the youth of this country think than an eye roll.
Yeah, I'm not sure I get that either. "Some people on Tik Tok said ...." I'm pretty sure you write a story about absolutely anything if all you need to base it on is 'some people on social media said ....'
I just wrote and article quoting some guy named @rivergator on gatorcountry saying that writing an article quoting random people online is pretty silly.
What always befuddles me is the Muslim treatment of women is appalling but that is okay because it’s a social norm.
So, I guess a lot of you don't think this went viral? And you don't think there is support from some of our leftist youth that UBL had a point and somewhat justified in what he did? This all made up?
Did anyone say any of that? I'm sure I can go find people saying literally anything on social media and pretend like it matters. People also went viral on tiktok for eating tide pods. Knock yourself out if you want to let what a few morons say online bother you.
Exactly this there are 330 million people in this country. 30 percent are nuts. They will do anything.
Well, it should bother all of us for exactly the example you used! If we have a percentage of our youth that is gullible enough to eat a friggng tide pod in a challenge from a stupid TikTok video, don't you think we should have some kind of guard rails on it? I as much as anyone would like to let the stupid weed themselves out, but we had over 3000 killed in a terrorist act on our soil and some ill-advised youth think we may have had it coming. Yes, that bothers me, just as much as racism and any other crap that social media is teaching the youth of our country.
So what's your solution? Limit free speech? Have the government put "guard rails" on a private company?
Two things that I think are often conflated is whether a person or group has one or more legitimate "points" versus the means they take to achieve their goals, such as targeting civilians, which civilized society rightfully denounces. I was listening yesterday to a couple clips of Norman Finkelstein, who is controversial and notoriously critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians. He compared Hamas' attack on Israel with Nat Turner's Rebellion of 1831. I'm not convinced that's a valid comparison, but it was interesting trying to understand how people like him think about it. I did not remember that Nat Turner's group killed not only men but also women and children - a point that the movie about Nat Turner (Birth Of A Nation 2016) seemed to gloss over - at least to me. The movie also reflected both the slave owners and Nat Turner using the Bible to justify their positions. I'm not sure how historically accurate it was. In any event, Nat Turner had a cause we support today even though we would simultaneously condemn the atrocities that they committed. OBL pursued Islamic jihad, Shari'a law and the elimination of the State of Israel. I oppose those goals regardless of the tactics implemented.
I believe we already have a thread on this that has gone pretty much like this one. Bin Laden manifesto on social media | Swamp Gas Forums