Man, Brohm sure is a good coach!!! does not have a great roster and is going to probably be in the ACC championship
They don’t have their own stadium and haven’t had one since the orange bowl was torn down. I suspect nobody wants to go out of their way to head to the stadium, especially if they’re just average at best. Maybe they should just call up Jeffrey Loria (former owner of the Miami Marlins) and ask him how he swindled the taxpayers of Miami-Dade County into paying for a brand new stadium.
Two plays in a row Miami slammed L'ville players down out of bounds. On the kickoff, Lville player gets a 50yd return and then driven down at the outer edge of the white line. Tackler landed square on the returner. First down run goes for about 25 yds and then runner slammed down two yds out of bounds. No flags . . . So Lville scores anyway, but I don't get how those were not penalties for late hits/personal foul out of bounds.
Kinda interesting that the few times they show the crowd with a camera shot they create angles to make a section looked packed. with incidental shots like kickoffs it’s obvious there is a very sparse crowd. Doubt if more than 30,000. That may be stretching it.