so then apologize to Trump. You obliviously knew the distinction between Trump and his businesses when you posted your disinformation. You said unequivocally that Trump had bankruptcies and that his businesses had class actions suits filed against them. you knew the difference but you posted it anyway. Truth matters. I offered to make a donation, you conceded, now swallow your pride, be a man and just apologize. Then move on. EDIT- sorry, not directed to you. Directed to @ajoseph
I thought every red blooded American father wanted a son with an Ivy League degree, makes lucrative business deals, who's hung like a horse and lays pipe like no one's business.
If the Republicans try to go after Biden on the issue of dementia (and they probably will through ads financed and produced by one or more pro-Trump superPACs) the Dems can responded with hours of videos of Dementia Don. One example and this is several years old Trump has actually deteriorated since then. Let's not forget that he's the guy who told about the way that the Continental Army captured airports.
I didn’t say personal bankruptcies and your post is further deflection. HIS COMPANIES, where he is the top guy and excision maker, have filed bankruptcies, costing legitimate creditors hundreds of millions of dollars. I assume that’s a “go-team” for you.
I mean, this point should be, “Duh!!”, except when dealing with Idol Worshippers, who will excuse or ignore every action that runs an against their handcrafted portrait of their new Son of Jesus.
That’s what I figured. You stick by your stupid posts to the end. You implied personal BK because in the same sentence you distinguished his businesses. That is how the English language works.
There is no difference. Trump was NOT prosecuted for the documents he returned early on in the investigation (just like Pence and Biden and countless others). Just like everyone else before him. Trump is being prosecuted for what happened after that — when he lied under oath, secreted the documents, moved them like a game of three-card Monty, lied again in a subpoena, grossly mishandled the documents, and exposed them to countless people who had no clearance to see the documents. You can excuse all the conduct you want of Trump, but Trump caused this problem himself with his fraudulent, intentionally dishonest actions, AFTER he had the opportunity to cooperate (the way any sane, rational person would do).
You name call, but you haven’t responded to the cases I cited, you bolster your arguments with deluded ignorance, and you make distinctions with no difference or applicability. Those that fall on insults to back their arguments (unsurprisingly just like your Idol), are those that know that they have lost.
I completely agree that someone with no connection to facts, logic, or reason, and who instead blindly and deafly clings to a sworn oath of fealty to a defrauding criminal, would respond the way you do. I’m cool with that.
I like other people’s point of view. It’s always nice to hear how people think and why they think like they do. I don’t even mind the insults; it’s a friggin’ message board, after all.