True. Unfortunately OPs beloved doesn’t have a “red state” crime section, only a black crime section.
not really. They just want to review what can be done to address gun nuts using assault weapons in mass shootings.
You assume these criminals are politically active? Based on what? Seems odd to assert they are “libbies”, let alone that they know anything of politics.
I just checked it again, I couldn't find the black crime section you stated, you must be fabricating the truth as usual or race baiting
I don't know what the threshold is for the FBI to get involved if there are no deaths or kidnappings or maybe there's a dollar amount at issue? Seems like the Feds are better equipped than state and local police to fight organized crime? Assuming there are a group of guys calling the shots in these looting crimes, seems like there would be ways to deal with them. The Feds just indicted ten guys in or associated with the Gambino family last week, though I imagine the scope and severity of their crimes were greater.
Actually, I doubt any of them have ever voted, most obviously because they look like minors or early 20’s. I’m always amused by the idea some of you have that gangbangers and criminals participate in the democratic voting process. I assume your contention is they are obviously “libbies” because they are black?
Why do you play dumb? Stop wasting time. You know that blacks do vote democrat at a 90% clip. Go argue with some one else.
Insufferable. I don’t like to spell shit out for folks. I’ll save my patience for dealing with my kids.
Based on your posts, you are apparently incapable of basic critical thinking. So I’m guessing your kids must exercise patience with you, rather than the other way around.