wow, we went grocery shopping in that town a couple of months ago. went to the blue lagoon too. got two nights with northern lights but pretty great weather overall. very windy but geothermal energy is so cheap that few windmills Finally finished putting together our album for that trip. Scotland and Iceland have a few photo ops, added a drone for this trip. glad I did Scotland Iceland 2023
did a trip report here with some details. just too lazy to cut and paste into GC. Scotland and Iceland Sept 2023 (
it was a whirlwind but we try and do one like that and the Alaska every summer. I could spend a month on Iceland easily. debating between Patagonia and New Zealand in October/November next year. guilty confession, I was hoping for a volcanic eruption while we were in Iceland, but not in the middle of town like that one street getting ripped open..
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Whoa!! The earth is cracking open in Grindavik, Iceland, as the Fagradalsfjall volcano is on the brink of eruption. <a href=""></a></p>— ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) <a href="">November 13, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> @littlebluelw ...minor subsidence??
If I am not mistaken Iceland is the most active volcanic activity area on the planet. Thr current situation is concerning to say the least. Some historians attribute the year 536, the year with no summer, (often referred to as the worst year to be alive in modern human history) resulting in catastrophic consequences, including a plague outbreak in Constantinople, as being from massive volcanic activity from Iceland, although some attribute that volcanic event emanating from the Krakatoa caldera. Irregardless as to point of origin, it should be clear that a similar event of that magnitude would have devastating consequences for humanity, especially in the present day. And this isn't Science Fiction, it is a distinct possibility. Tree ring (dendochronology) data and various wriien accounts describe 18 months of Semi darkness, cold, failing crops and starvation.
Thank you. Kp factor over 5 this weekend and clear skies. Dying to take a trip back. We had kp factor of 2.9 that second night and i had no tripod. Just try to hold phone as still as possible while shivering. Trying to pick one out of the trip to add to the wall and having a problem. Running out of wall space so wife says I have to pick one.
Earth getting too hot so it's going to fight back with some ash to cool things down and rebuild some glaciers and ice caps?