Adding the caveat that this is anecdotal based on television commercials, in the recent election in Virginia virtually every Republican candidate emphasized crime accusing their Democratic opponents of being soft on crime while every Democratic candidate ran on the issue of abortion. The Democrats held the State Senate and regained their majority in the State General Assembly at least for now ending Glenn Youngkin's national political aspirations. Based on the results of that election it would seem that abortion is a far stronger motivator than crime.
For women it probably is. Most of the polls I see asking what’s the most pressing issue has been the economy. No doubt abortion is going to be a big deal if presented correctly to the public.
Interesting. I didn’t know that. Let’s see if it’s true. Does @citygator have an IQ in the triple digits?
But the Dems already blew their wad in most of the Dem/swing states. I believe around 20-25 states have already codified Roe. So those states don’t have that motivation any longer.
Maybe if the codification was in the State Constitution. If Roe was codified through a statute that statute could be repealed by a Republican majority legislature just as easily as it was enacted by the Democrat majority. Unless the Supreme Court reconsiders and overturn's Dobbs the way it overturned Roe and we all know that's not going to happen anytime soon, abortion will continue to remain an issue.
The rule is an OP like it says in my post, not just a random question. I think it is funny you call me dumb when you clearly couldn’t read a 1 sentence rule and understand it. If you aren’t a malfunctioning bot I will eat my hat.
I agree that while the economy will be a significant issue in next year's presidential election, abortion will continue to remain relevant in state elections as well as in Congressional elections.
I think that has been the case in all the swing states, Constitutional Amendments. A Republican majority wouldn’t likely pass such a law. I’m too indifferent to look up the 20+ states. Abortion may effect some state turnouts, but I don’t think it will be significant.
your explanation literally makes no sense. OP, as you used it, meant Original Poster (me), otherwise you made no reference to anyone, but instead suggested anytime anyone (including yourself) posts a question the response is no. if that is what you truly meant (original post) then I guess I don’t see the point.
still doesn’t really make any sense to me, but you probably don’t like Monty Python so we have different levels of snarkyness
He means crime in general... New Yorker's don't want vote to stop crime, they would rather vote on other people's reproductive systems... becasue somehow that really effects their personal lives more than crime does. Lol... stupid New Yorkers and Dems.
oblivious one of has, and it ain’t you. Abortion is a non issue in the 2024 swing state of Ohio because they just passed a constitutional amendment. So….pooooof…. There goes your entire position for that. Suburban mothers may think about abortion, but they are worried about crime.
as an update to the original link, the person who was committing the robbery and was arrested was released on no bail. The person who stopped what he was doing to protect the innocent woman, had to post $10,000 bail. NYC is a $hithole. it’s going to make a great commercial.