If you feel any abortion is murder, then why are you getting weak at the knees about charging the women with murder and putting them on death row? According to you, it’s premeditated murder. People have fried for less. So if you are going with this position, be consistent and go all the way.
The hyperbole is reciprocal, bc of the absolute determination to dehumanize and deny prenatal human beings, their humanity.
I mean, you are arguing that they are something less than postnatal human beings by discussing disparate punishments.
I don't believe it amounts quite to murder, and there just isn't an upside to incarcerating 10's of millions of moms (and/or dads).
Arguing? How about conceding... Either way--certainly a prenatal human being carries greater dignity and worth than a tumor or human excrement--which is how they were treated under Roe, and how folks seem to be demanding that they continue to be treated, post Roe.
How is that possible? You’ve gone on for several pages about how abortion is killing a life. And killing with intent is the definition of murder. So it’s all just drama then?
Not just a life a baby! I mean if someone murdered a baby I think a reasonable person would demand they’d get thrown in jail for a long time. And if that person had multiple abortions (ie killed multiple babies) that’s a serial killer. Right? Or is it that some babies are better than other babies? It’s all BS. Performative nonsense. On ignore he goes.
Freakonomics made that supposition. I am not certain if the statistics confirmed or were coincidental.
you know. Pubs are wheeling & dealing babies now that Roe is gone. Don't play dumb. are trumpy, desantis, Nikki, et al. advocating to stop the murders now that votes are at stake?
Cant finish the thought, huh? Here, let me help you out: Abortion...of a pregnancy...by terminating and removing the human life that makes for the condition of pregnancy. NB: termination of a life = killing. That's why I used that word. Repeatedly.
Performative nonsense is about as good a description I can think of. Just drama for the sake of it. Frankly, boring.