If you aren’t willing to frame the questions in sincere and relevant terms you aren’t really trying to find common ground. The points we seem to agree - an embryo has value - the value of the life of the mother exceeds the value of an embryo or fetus - there are examples in life where life is second to other values or greater causes. - the value of a healthy late term fetus life exceeds the value of the right of a woman’s bodily autonomy (a woman who is not under substantial threat of bodily harm from birth) The point where we disagree - The value of life of an embryo exceeds the value of a woman’s right to bodily automony.
I thought my offer was beyond reasonable, and still got some resistance. You're being reasonable, though I could quibble as yall have over characterizations, but I'll take this concession for now. Glad to hear at least one poster true enough to acknowledge that a prenatal human being is worth more in terms of dignity than human waste. ...and all it cost me was to concede that murder is excessive to abortion, and that mom > zygote/enbryo/prenatal human being in terms of dignity.
Lol, so when you said it's "a talking point from the left!!!!" were you just lying or completely unaware of the beliefs of the GOP speaker of the house?
I can’t speak for all people who are pro choice, but I suspect a majorty would frame it the way I did. As I said elsewhere, those on the farther left view abortion in a similar way to those on the right view gun control. Any compromise to full access is viewed as a slippery slope towards total bans.
Y'all advocate for dismemberment and disposal of these developing human beings with complete immunity and impunity, then dare cry foul over images of the carnage you champion??? Yeah...that's convincing...
I'd say the equivalent of my offer from the gun control crowd woulda been akin to: Will you agree that killing innocent ppl with guns is wrong, if I concede that there's a purpose for the 2nd Amendment and that I don't believe it needs to be repealed? (...and the response akin to: innocent ppl shouldn't get in the way of free flying bullets if they don't want to get themselves kilt).
I mean, if it is no different than killing somebody after birth, why don't you want to "destroy" the abortive mother in the same way that we "destroy" any other murderer? It is almost as if you are fundamentally recognizing a substantial difference in actions, as I doubt you would be okay with intentional murderers of children or adults to not be sentenced to fairly substantial prison time. Edit: It seems like you have already admitted that the acts are different. Perhaps, going forward, we can avoid the hyperbole of it not being a different act.
I see your confusion you constantly try to be clever. People who respond to you don’t. About time to put back on ignore. Not seeing any post of value. Perhaps on Sports board but lots of other good posters there.
So what will your argument be when we can create life in the lab. The shit can be dried and composted into fertilizer. The fertilizer can grow food that can be fed to animals, processed and returned to the ground as shot again. I think that is beautiful.
I doubt that. He’s just being disingenuous. Suffice to say he would have been anti-progressive politics no matter when he lived.
Yep, it is a trite straw man that gets tossed out while knowing damn well that the democrats who were on the side of the csa would clearly be in the modern gop and waving maga flags.