Here's my offer--I'll admit murder charges are excessive for abortion, if our pro unborn baby killing contingent meets me as far as owning that the kilt baby is worth more in terms of dignity, than a corn speckled log one flushes down the toilet after corn on the cob n chicken dinner... Any of y'all willing to meet me that far?
So somebody getting a shot of making a woman’s medical decisions other than her or her doctor. Small government Republican. lol
You are so dishonest in the way you ask this question. It isn’t a baby until after it is born it is a fetus. You phrase a question accurately and I will answer it.
What say Dan? Can you meet me as far as the prenatal human being > a POS in terms of dignity? I mean--my "offer' above wasn't even sincere in that I've never advocated for murder charges for abortion, and frankly don't know anyone who ever has in earnest, but I think it's a small ask to own that a prenatal human being is of more intrinsic value and dignity, than actual human excrement.
See above. Was drafting it when your alert came in. I should think that would satisfy your objection.
Sure. I am in favor of women who choose to carry a potential human to take prenatal vitamins. I am not in favor of telling the woman she must take prenatal vitamins. Do you see the difference?
How about you @swampbabe ? Prenatal specimen of humanity vs literal POS... Dignity and intrinsic value... <, >, = ?
I see a vast difference in whatever the hell you answered, and the question I asked. Can you meet me as far as a prenatal specimen of humanity is greater in dignity and intrinsic value than a sample of human excrement?
It has the potential to have more value. I just don’t think that you or I get to tell a woman what she must do. I think women and their doctors get to make that decision just like they should decide whether she should take prenatal vitamins. I have no business telling the woman what she needs to do.
The woman has more value than the fetus she is carrying. She has the right to tell you to mind your own business and let her make her own medical decisions.
Potential? At the point of conception that Zygote IS a more sophisticated sample of biological engineering than man has ever conceived let alone crested. The shit will never be more than shit. ...but you feel hell bent on waffling to acknowledge such a simple elemental truth. Come on Dan. I ain't giving up on you just yet. This is a really small ask.
Ok, I'll concede that point. That's a fair assertion. Fully developed, mature mom with life, memoies, knowledge, wisdom, love, loved, life experiences.... is of greater intrinsic human value and dignity than a prenatal human being. Now how about conceding that that marvelous sample of biological engineering (zygote/prenatal human being) is of greater value and dignity than waste material. A. Very. Small. Ask.
There’s a moral cost for Israel to bomb and inadvertently blow up children. But they have weighed that the greater good of defending themselves as a nation supercedes that moral cost. There’s a moral cost to not providing sufficient food or medicine to children worldwide and maybe even in the US. But we believe that our freedom to make choices as to what we support and pay for suoercedes those lives that may be lost. Same for soldiers who die in a war Same for executing a murderer. Same for abortion. Most think there is a moral cost to terminating a pregnancy, but the right for a woman to control what happens in her body supercedes that cost.
That’s easy. Yes. But it’s the wrong question. The pertinent question is whether this embryo has greater value than the right of the mother to have bodily autonomy. You have already admitted that the embryo has less value than the life of the mother, so you are halfway there.
Not at all THE wrong question. In fact, not A wrong question either. It's a starter question. Rather than talking past one another, I figured we could step back and take a look at the common grounds we share, then maybe work our way back to where we diverge, with perhaps a little better understanding about where one another is coming from. It's THE convo that was iced for 50 years, thanks to the Berger court.
Cute. Considering that respect for human remains is considered a norm of civilized society would have you have posted dismembered body parts from an infant or for that matter a child, teen or adult to make a point? Seems that by posting that photo you implicitly consider that a fetus between the gestational age of nine or 10 weeks really isn't the same as a post-birth human being despite your reference to the fetus as a "baby".