well our local news does happen to cover more than local but to a greater extent i don’t watch other outlets. I consider this place like comedic relief rather than a news source. A bunch of know it all assholes trying to show everyone how smart they are(n’t).
This was such a clear demonstration of the incredible incompetence of this administration. The fact that they were at the head of the executive branch for 4 years and this country didn't completely unravel is a testament to the strengtof our institutions. The same institutions this group relentlessly attacked for those same 4 years. 4 more would undoubtedly leave indelible change.
There's also the posters that (try to) feign ignorance of widely known stories or events. Don't forget that contingent.
would it be a surprise if i also admitted to not knowingly have heard a Taylor Swift song until the last few months?
Ditto. Not knowingly anyway. I’m sure they use them in promos/commercials and whatnot. But I couldn’t name a song. I have nothing against Swift. I’ve just never been into pop music or country or country cheeze. She just seems to operates in areas I have no interest in. At least I know who Swift is. I bet if someone name drops all the top County stars I’d be like.. who??! I had no idea who Aldean was either before that song controversy.
You guys come on here regularly and crack on any source that is not one that YOU approve. Now you are siting a source that anybody with a computer can generate the info and then anyone else can edit it. Funny Stuff!!
Frankly, Yo Semites was my personal fave. That and referencing the airports used during the Revolutionary War.
Again. Is anybody questioning the facts of the situation? The Trump campaign held a rally at a tiny landscaping company. Poopooing the source I quoted is asinine. I could have linked thousands of sources.