It was so easy to proclaim Abortion was Murder when that proclamation was meaningless. There is something in Econ called revealed preferences. The pt is that people don't even know their own preferences when there are no consequences. Ex. How much is a spotted owls life worth? Dude, you caint put a price on a majestic, endangered animal. Oh, there's 1 over there on your fence. I'll give you $10,000 if you let me shoot it. Deal. I'm sure babies are happy to be murdered to keep teachers from saying GAY
Protecting a woman's right to choose is UNDEFEATED in this country when the citizens are the ones voting on the issue.
The hubris of Christo Fascists and the SCOUS has been laid to waste. The right to privacy is coveted by Americans.
And that's why I expect the Florida Supreme NotCourt to try and figure out a way to prevent it from reaching the ballot.
do you know the def of the word. I would not be posting if that post was true. Tell me how he's right. What do YOU think he meant by it? I'd like to know. ir·re·deem·a·ble /ˌi(r)rəˈdēməb(ə)l/ adjective 1. not able to be saved, improved, or corrected.