Nope I am referencing the thread that the title of this thread mocks. Don't speak out against this administration.
By definition, sycophants put worship of person over loyalty to country. That's what that clown show in Kissimmee demonstrated, as do most of your posts/emojis.
Yeah? ^^^in the spirit of this dumbass thread. (By the by.. you may want to actually look up the definition of a word before you invoke its definition...and thereby conclusively demonstrate that you never knew what the meant in the first place).
Christie is a thug. He was booed because he has no clue what the truth is... unless it's the "hot now" sign at Krispy Kreme.
as opposed to the Demoncrats who won’t even allow anyone who (1) doesn’t have a crime syndicate family, and (2) hasn’t taken on and defeated bad dude corn pop, up on the stage. if the Democrats held such events, no one would show up, and those that do would boo Biden.
And it was you suggested that search of Mar-a-Lago was "punishment" of Trump because he spoke out against the administration, I merely pointed out that the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago not because of what Trump said but because there was real evidence that he committed a real crime. In other words it wasn't because of what Trump said it was because of what he did.
Crime syndicate family? The Republican Party is very likely to nominate the Don of a crime family as their presidential candidate and crowds at rallies do not translate into votes at the polls. In 2018 Trump held multiple MAGA rallies in packed arenas in Pennsylvania in support of Republican candidates. All of those candidates lost statewide elections by double figures.
Please show me where in this thread or any thread in recent months I even mentioned or referenced Mar-a-Lago. I referred to an incident about New York City Mayor Eric Adams.
Although you did not expressly mention Mar-a-Lago I inferred that you had Trump's residence in mind considering that Mar-a-Lago was subject to a "raid" by the FBI using the same terminology very often used by supporters of the former president. Since you mentioned the Mayor of NYC, did the FBI actually raid the residence of Eric Adams? While the agency did search the residence of his principle fundraiser pursuant to a search warrant issued by a judge based on probable cause that she committed crimes by funneling campaign contributions from a foreign source through US citizens that search was not analogous to a search of Adams own residence.
Wow!!!! Only 2 pages in and nearly all the really smart condescending chronics have told all of us you cannot be a free thinker and if you don't do what THEY think is right, your either moronic, a Hitler supporter, non-patriot and or cultist. My day is done now I know how to think. Thanks for being able to think for the rest of us.
Flip the conversation to Biden War Crime Inflation Failure to defend in the Mid East Send Billions to Iran Peaceful Demonstrations (except) for the Jews Calling for a Pause at the beginning of the war. Appeasement Energy crisis Thank you, Mr. President
So all events in the world that happen are attributable to the president? You got your Fox News talking points down, I’ll give you that.
Last President, but Biden has nothing to do with current status!! War US involvement none Crime Going down, now up Inflation Was there any? Failure to defend in the Mid East Abraham Accords Send Billions to Iran Not between 2016 and 2020 Peaceful Demonstrations (except) for the Jews BLM and antifa, MOSTLY peaceful Calling for a Pause at the beginning of the war. Their 9/11, with known suspects, pause please Appeasement Russia will not invade Ukaraine, Energy crisis energy independent