Said it several times before, if Trump is elected he will following the strategy that he and MAGA nation have accused Biden of employing, weaponizing the federal government (the DOJ and IRS coming immediately to mind) against his enemies and this a just a preview from his original presidency. Comey and McCabe, Who Infuriated Trump, Both Faced Intensive I.R.S. Audits (Published 2022)
And yet you constantly feel the need to call out posters on this board who criticize the former president.
you’re a democrat and you can’t hide your past by making up fake names of your ancestors. It does not work that way. Trump didn’t directly or indirectly call for the assassination of his opponents. You don’t even believe that. Be better. you are right that I don’t care about Trump other than the left’s obsession…which is fascinating.
If Trump had the capacity to execute his worst political enemies, would he? I honestly don’t know. That’s the issue.
Although I don't think that even he would go that far I have little doubt that they would end up these critics of Putin. Some examples: Putin critic jailed in treason case for 25 years Putin critic Alexei Navalny has 19 years added to jail term, West condemns Russia Alexei Navalny: Russia's jailed vociferous Putin critic
I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the day that the candidate that has the most political opponents gunned down, blown up, kidnapped, and kneecapped wins the presidency of the United States. Just like the Founding Fathers intended, right? What every heroic, red-blooded American wants . . .
What is this “hiding the past” shit you have going? Yes I ordinarily vote democratic these days, and have since around 2004. In my early years I voted and grew up Republican. You clearly aren’t terribly aware of state history but prior to Ronald Reagan most people in the south registered as Democrat, even though they were among the most conservative. My parents told me that you just registered Democratic, because most races there were no Republicans. Dixiecrat was an actual thing characterized by Strom Thurman. George walllace probably fit the mold also. Trump is closer to those Dixiecrats than anything else but it isn’t a perfect fit. Trump was registered Democrat for most of his life.
Seems to me that's exactly the rationalization the Democrats are employing. (...while expressing indignation that the very precedent they set *might* be used against them, if their righteous mission should fail).
I don't know if Trump would "do" anything himself except badmouth the person he disagrees with, and then suggest that someone else might take care of the problem. If no one acted on the suggestion, then he would repeat it with more and more detailed descriptions of what should probably be done. Eventually one of his mentally ill followers would kidnap or assassinate the person.
He has already said he would weaponize his DOJ. Just look at how he sent the IRS after McCabe and others already.
Question: Since the loony liberals are flooding the media with these tinfoil conspiracy reports about Trump’s sinister plans to exact revenge on some democrats…I mean it’s all over the news according to the links here…IF Trump is re-elected… can we all agree his has a mandate?
I’m pretty scared of what Trump can do… I mean… look at the Wall he built and got Mexico to pay for… look at the revolutionary Healthcare he enacted… the incredible way he simplified taxes… how organized he looked during covid… how masterfully he went to the edge of death with covid bravely being careless… how he saved us from nuclear war from [checks notes] powerful North Korea. Trump is simply walking chaos but utterly unable to make any changes. He only has power to get people excited about how bad they think others are.
ok, cool. So now you can join the sane people and admit if Trump is re-elected it will not be the end of Democracy. 1 down, 58 more to go. I don’t think Trump is going to be re-elected, so the other 58 can calm down and remove the tin foil bonnets.
This is all laid out in Project 2025 from the Heritage Foundation. Just like all the info in Trump's indictments you ignore. RIF
I'm still waiting for ANY left-leaning poster to tell me what weaponizing the Justice System looks like. What I've gathered from my time on Too Hot is that ANY of the following precludes weaponization of the Justice System: 1) The accused actually committed the crime they're being accused of 2) They were indicted by a grand jury 3) The list of indictments is long So even if Trump wanted to "weaponize the Justice System" what are you guys suggesting he's planning on doing? Rounding his critics up and throwing them in the gulags without any due process? Or, is he just going to investigate his opponents and have grand juries indict them for crimes they may have committed? You know, the exact thing the Biden Administration is currently doing.