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After some thoughts post Arky - I think I have some perspective to offer here...

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by makattack, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. Zepgator

    Zepgator GC Legend

    Oct 18, 2010
    Well done, agree with a lot and that was a great point about character- there hasn’t been any issues with a player going astray in a long time.
    One point I disagree with is your ST comment “there is not much that can be done right now besides he himself stepping in more in that role.” With the size of the staff he has, I would think there has to be someone he can go to and say “can you lead this unit next week?” Why not? Maybe it will work - at least we would have someone that could dedicate 100% of his focus on the STs instead of a consortium of coaches per se with split duties.
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  2. makattack

    makattack GC Legend

    Nov 17, 2017
    Fair point. It is baffling we can't remedy the situation. As Michael Scott said, "I need 2 men on this! (that's what she said) No time! No time!".

    At least delegate it to multiple assistants if necessary.
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  3. RealGatorFan

    RealGatorFan Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Actually I disagree with you about the offensive line being just bad and not horrid. I lost count all season at how many times our guards whiffed on containment. I'm not fast but I think I could get past our guards. They are also very weak IMO. I saw too many times where a LBer pushed a few of our guys into the backfield and that never should ever happen. Lastly, they rarely open holes for the backs. It must be depressing for ETN to get to the line and that's it. No hole, just a wall and most times looking like the linemen are holding back a tidal wave with sheetrock.

    Then the biggest issue for nearly 15 years has been no player development. I can't think of one player other than maybe Trask or Pitts who got better over the duration of their time as a Gator. I think of Bama this season as the perfect model of player development. Early in the season they were a mess. Barely beating USF, losing to Texas at home, lethargic offensive play, poor defense (terrible tackling, no QB pressure, no run defense) with dozens of articles depicting a program in terminal decline. Yet weeks later, a complete 180. That's the Bama way - you want to beat them, better beat them early because by the time they hit the 2nd half of the schedule they are a different team. I haven't seen that with our Gators since Tim.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2023
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  4. bullish

    bullish GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 14, 2010
    Good analysis, but;
    as for the conservative nature of this offense, yes, run the ball, you can’t come out first down run, second down run and then try to pass on third and long. Wait, I am pulling out hair remembering, Any short pass behind the line of scrimmage has to end, get a mid range passing game going. We did it in the fourth quarter, yes we played conservative till then, then we started mixing it up with passing. our driving for the go ahead TD in the fourth quarter, Mertz was on fire, we stop the momentum with a run,of course no movement of the chains, a wasted down, then put pressure on Mertz to make a early decision on third down, this due to everybody in the stadium knew what we were going to do, we throw early and we have to kick. we can’t trust the running game to move the chains. so, let’s do some mixing up. 1st down pass, 2nd down pass and third down pass. if we don’t make a first down, why don’t we fool them next time, 3 more passes in a row. That third drive , make a running counter play fake and let’s try a trick end pass, Jackson who was a high school qb does the passing and we get a great play. now we line up five wide, everyone split out to the sidelines, then try a counter of Montrell Johnson. Also do the passes quickly so you tire the defense and let Montrell and the five OL have a reasonable chance at a good running play success. I want to add, we have been moving the chains in a big way and possibly even a score, 6 points, not three, I and the team don’t need math or moral lessons during a game. Yes we are ahead and the opposing team coaches are arguing amongst themselves. I guess the way it is now, we are having coom bah yah lessons on the sidelines saying we have had injuries and we are doing the best we can. Well we aren’t, we are going three and out too much do to this maddening, we have to run two thirds of the time, we have been winning the TOP trophy as we ring up another loss. This gets the defense who needs help both in scheme and injuries to be fired up and not on the field until they get ground up and more injuries occur. That is what this conservative offense is doing to the defense. Not complimentary football. I would say as we try to learn our life lessons, teams like Vandy, Missouri are working on getting better players and schemes that work. Missouri is close, Vandy with many businesses coming in will catch fire with the right coach and we will be bottom feeders without quick change. Give one of the assistants the reigns on Offense, call Ron Zook to right the special teams. On defense, put Bigun at NG, two tackles, two DE’s and two linebackers, Jack P at middle lb to controll anyone who wants to run and Scooby to fade outside with a trail back or te. The dbs play man on man, with the reponsibility to intercept the balls. Which this defense is told to keep them in front of you twenty yards downfield. Doesn’t work from what we Gator fans are seeing. This would yield a better run defense, more pressure on the QB. Don’t forget to tell the dbs to get within ten yards of the line of scrimmage. will we get beat some, yes, will we hit the QB more and make him get rid of it faster and maybe even throw to one of our dbs trailing a receiver, I know they should keep them in front of them. I just don’t want receivers running downfield with no one on them like this Arkansas game. we were out coached by a decent 2-5 team. Our team goes into the game with I will do my job, we should be saying, Let’s get some points early and often, no FG’s. let’s keep the chains moving. the defense needs help up front, my design for the defense would help from us getting gashed, both running and passing.
    Without change, we will probably stumble on offense the first two drives of the LSU game and near the end of the first quarter be behind by ten points which will kill out defense early and end up being a rout. I guess another life lesson, we didn’t change with tough goes of it and other teams are adapting. CBN worst fault, let’s try that counter play off tackle again…………
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
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  5. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    C4 agrees!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Do you come up to to Philly ever Clay? I'm thirsty!
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  7. midwestfin

    midwestfin Sophomore

    Aug 23, 2023
    Good thoughts but there is a glaring need for OC that brings innovation as well. The predictability of this offense is a problem.

    Also the consistent failure on game management and situational coaching brings with it the need for blood among the masses.

    Who can we fire? There must be blood.
  8. GatorRider

    GatorRider GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 12, 2007
    Mak, well thought out analysis. While I’m no football savant, there’s one thing I’ve not seen mentioned on these boards regarding longer passes.
    Obviously longer passes require deeper routes, and longer\sustained pass blocking. Maybe an additional 2 -2.5 seconds max. Perhaps we don’t pass the ball deep because we can’t provide Mertz with the time/protection he needs. Shorter and quicker passes is all our OL can handle time wise. Just my two cents.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  9. makattack

    makattack GC Legend

    Nov 17, 2017
    I thought I mentioned that, but if not I completely agree. I definitely think the pass pro (or lack thereof) is why the downfield passing game has struggled.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. makattack

    makattack GC Legend

    Nov 17, 2017
    I agree with how Shane Matthews has described it - with our talent out wide, this offense should prioritize the passing game and sling it almost every down. Then when the defense backs off, hand it to ETN/Johnson. Rather than run first, pass second which seems to be Nape's MO. I think we are definitely a better offense when we're aggressive, and Mertz is in control and can distribute to the fast guys.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. makattack

    makattack GC Legend

    Nov 17, 2017
    C4 was my favorite back for awhile man. So much fun to watch. And yes, probably the most dominate back Florida has had in the last 20 years... Especially since Mullen handicapped Pierce.
  12. GornGator

    GornGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Winter Park, FL.
    A lot of issues...... I always fall back on two major, legendary quotes, by two legendary people: Al Davis, "Get to the Quarterback."
    And Bear Bryant, "Be good, or be gone."
    I will always cheer for the Gators, win, lose, or tie.
    GO GATORS!!!!
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  13. Tolbert1906

    Tolbert1906 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    United States
    The defense has been up and down throughout the season, while the offense has stunk in every game (outside of one half against Tennessee). The defense can be elite with elite talent, imo. The same can't be said for this offense.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 4
  14. 31g8r

    31g8r GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 20, 2013
    Bingo, but on occasion we get lucky with pass pro time like yesterday with the Td to RP some amount if the short passing is in response to GM’s internal clock going off and him using a check down to gain yds and work at moving the chains
  15. etennant

    etennant VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Thanks for saying it before I did.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  16. makattack

    makattack GC Legend

    Nov 17, 2017
    Outside of the Tennessee game, care to expound on when the defense has played well?

    Got absolutely steam rolled against Kentucky.
    Made Rattler look like a Heisman QB.
    Gave Beck a breakout performance.
    Let Arkansas score 39 points coming off a previous 3pt outing vs the powerful Miss St.

    Outside of a decent performance against Utah and Tenn, I don't see much ups. The flipside is that the offense has shown flashes of brilliance, speed, and resilience. Tenn game, late in the SCAR game (down 10pts), 2 TD drives following Ark's 14-0 lead as well as the last TD drive of the game to go ahead 33-30. Whereas the defense has shut down Tennessee (which it turns out isn't that hard this year), and held on late against SCAR (which they do deserve credit for).

    Still bottom of the barrel of the SEC. And far below expectations for a Florida defense. The only consolation I'll allow for that side of the ball is that we are pretty young across the board. But it doesn't matter - if you're a struggling offense, play Florida and have your breakout game. Happened for UK, SCAR, and ARK. And to an extent, UGA, as they started slow almost every game until we gave up 26 first half pts.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. gatorwalrus

    gatorwalrus GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 24, 2022
    Don't drink the beer, he probably spit in it.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. audiogatorjim

    audiogatorjim GC Hall of Fame

    Mar 15, 2009
    This is a great analysis! Well done and I personally will keep all of your points in mind. I agree the team plays hard and are not quitters.
    I only have one minor quibble; I don’t think we win another game this season. I’d really wish I’m wrong so we’ll see.
  19. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    Pretty much limits the playcalling no doubt. So much easier to defend that way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. MarineG8R

    MarineG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 19, 2014
    Trautwein at Penn State. He should come home.
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