Trump's 'retribution' campaign theme has apparent roots in old Confederate code, new book says Apparently Trump is modeling his campaign after the confederacy and the Lincoln assassination In 2016, I declared 'I am your voice.' Today I add: 'I am your warrior. I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,'" Trump said at the time, roughly a month after his first indictment. It was a language his longtime adviser Steve Bannon told Karl was his "Come Retribution" speech, according to the excerpts in The Atlantic. Karl says Bannon suggested he read a book about the "Come Retribution" history. "What I didn't realize was that 'Come Retribution,' according to some Civil War historians, served as the code words for the Confederate Secret Service's plot to take hostage -- and eventually assassinate -- President Abraham Lincoln," Karl writes.
I’d say “parallels’ vs “modeled after”. There is no way Donald Trump knows the first thing about something he would need to read.
Yep. Because “some historians” thought that is what Steve Bannon may have understood, clearly it means Trump is planning to kidnap Biden. (and they say the conspiracy theorists are all on the right)
I don’t think the implication of the language is an exact kidnapping plot. Just the idea of political violence. If Bannon is recommending these readings, he’s pushing more political violence. Full stop. How can this even be called far fetched? This is same guy who masterminded 1/6. These fruitcakes already did try to have their mob kidnap (or kill) Pelosi. We’ve already seen it play out.
Even on this site people think Biden and liberals are ‘targeting’ people based on the political leaning. The small but loud wedge of crazies on the right have grown to a mainstream right movement. As long as normal conservatives cower to them we are in for a bumpy road.
Actually, yes is he is an old style Dixiecrat. So your takeaway was to debate his party affiliation, as opposed to his desire to assassinate enemies?
You misspelled Democrat. My takeaway from your post is sorrow for your obsession. I don’t get it. I think about Trump 0.0 times a day.
inmate P01135809 is using a theme we saw from confederates who wanted to kill President Lincoln. It’s also helpful to see comparisons of P01135809 and the maga movement to authoritarian political efforts that were successful in other countries. Which ultimately ends up horribly for that country.
That’s fine. The country needs those of us less apathetic to think about him.
“Donald Trump and his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term” Once Dear Leader breaks our democracy, it’s broken. There is no getting it back. Jeesk, just listen to him talk, he's already losing it.
You post on politics more than 0.0 times a day. For some who pay attention to politics, another Trump term could be damaging to the country. Not so much in terms of ideological issues, but the strength of the core institution and processes of government. Trump has stated we should put the constitution aside and reinstate his presidency, has praised insurrectionist behavior and now seems to be indirectly calling for the assassination of his opponents. I’m guessing you think Trump is blowing steam and don’t care. I choose to think he is at some level is serious and some of his followers will follow his lead. Dixiecrat has a specific meaning and my use was intentional.
Although even the possibility of kidnapping Biden is absurd, let's not forget this. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot On October 8, 2020, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced the arrests of 13 men suspected of orchestrating a domestic terror plot to kidnap American politician Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, and otherwise using violence to overthrow the state government. [1][2][3][4] Some have labeled the attempt as an example of stochastic terrorism, where violent rhetoric by prominent figures inspired the plot.[5][6][7]