Worrying about 90m vs the massive billions fraud is kind like of worrying about a lightbulb not being fixed on the Titanic while it was sinking. Bankman Fried is effed. Dude is going away for a very very long time.
You can do fraud in this country and basically operate a legal scam business, but when you defraud the wrong people, you are screwed.
It’s a conspiracy. All things these days in the Republican world are answered by conspiracies. The simple and obvious (and politically unsatisfying) answers are not good enough. It’s always a conspiracy.
The more cynical side of me thinks it's all fraud, but yeah, sometimes if it's against the wrong people, you're screwed.
Worrying about 90m might implicate some people we need to protect, so that’s why we’re “not worrying” about the 90m.
Those people you are talking about are the political system at large. I think it would be exceedingly difficult to successfully prosecute anyone for campaign finance violations given the law in this country. Even if you did, there is the good possibility the Supreme Court vacates the conviction anyways. You'd have to be especially sloppy and brazen to have anything stick and holdup. This is how the law has been deliberately shaped (by a very conservative court system). Corruption is essentially legal here, and campaign finance laws are weak and toothless.